Chapter 22

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They didn't notice me at first and as I walked into the room I heard Taehyung's voice asking the question, "When are you gonna tell her?" But then they saw me coming into the room. All four of them looked very shocked and just froze while staring at me. 

"Are you guys ok?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in confusion. 

"Of course! Why are you here?" Felix asked as he took a sip of his drink. 

"We're playing hide and seek. Have you seen any of them?" I asked and they all shook their heads. "Ok then, I'll go look somewhere else," I told them with a smile before walking away to continue looking for those brats. 

~Yoongi's point of view.~

Hoseok, Taehyung, Felix and I were in the bar area of the house and talked about random things when all of a sudden Taehyung asked, "When are you gonna tell her?"

I was about to answer his question but then I saw Y/N coming in the room and just stared at her, shocked. The others followed my gaze and they froze as well. "Are you guys ok?" She asked, bringing us all back to reality. 

Luckily Felix decided to talk and cover for us. "Of course! Why are you here?" he asked her as he brought his drink closer to his lips, taking a sip. 

"We're playing hide and seek. Have you seen any of them?" she asked us and we all shook our head as a no. "Ok then, I'll go look somewhere else," she told us with a bright smile before walking away. 

After making sure she was gone Taehyung repeated his question. "When are you going to tell her?" he asked again.

"I don't know," I said and I really didn't know when I was going to tell her. I'm scared of telling her. I'm scared that she'll leave me if I tell her, for lying to her the whole time. 

"But you have to tell her! If she finds out any other way she might never forgive you!" Taehyung exclaimed. I know that Taehyung, I know she won't but I'm scared. 

"I mean he's not wrong. You have to tell her sooner or later," Hoseok told me and I nodded. 

"I know, but I can't. I'm not ready to tell her." I'm scared I'll lose her again if I tell her. 

"She's a great person and I'm glad that I got to meet her but sending me to talk to her really shouldn't have happened," Felix added and I just nodded. 

"The first mistake was leaving her and the second was not telling her the truth," I mumbled to myself, looking down at the drink in my hand.

"Are you ever gonna tell her or are you just gonna hope that she never finds out?" Taehyung asked me in a threatening tone. Taehyung wasn't changed one bit. He's still that overprotective brother he used to be. "You may be my best friend Yoongi but Y/N, she's my little sister. If I see her crying because of you again I swear I'll beat the shit out of you. You have to tell her that you are that man from ten years ago. You have to tell her that you are her first love!" He shouted and I could see him tearing up. 

"Taehyung, calm down please," Hoseok soothed, patting his back to calm him down which actually worked. 

"She'll be mad at all four of us when she finds out we were all lying regardless of who tells her but it'd be even worse if you weren't the one telling her," Felix added on. 

"I'll tell her, just not right now," I told them. I wasn't ready. I'm not ready to potentially lose the women I love more than myself. 

~Y/N's point of view.~

A few hours had passed as we had to go back home. Since Taehyung and Felix were absolutely wasted and Jin and I were the only ones left to drive we decided to leave Felix's car here and just drop him off at home in one of our cars. 

We were saying our goodbyes to each other before we left. Youngmi, Felix, and I were in my car and I was going to drop off the both of them at their homes while Namjoon, Nayeon, Taehyung and Jin were going in the other car, going straight home. 

Since Felix fell asleep, Youngmi and I were chatting. I didn't want to bring her back home, I don't think she's safe there. "Youngmi, if anything happens or someone hurts you, no matter who it is I want you to come tell me ok? I can help you," I reassured, hoping she would be able to tell me if something is wrong at home. 

"Ok Ms. Kim!" She bubbled with a bright smile, but I could tell, she was broken inside. 

Now we had finally got to Felix's house. I didn't want to leave Youngmi in the car so I told her to come with me to get Felix inside. I woke Felix up and helped him inside while Youngmi followed the two of us. The house was pretty big and I had no idea which room was his so I just helped him lay down on the couch. I was about to go find a blanket or something to keep him warm but he stopped me, holding my wrist. "Y/N," he started. 

"Yes?" I responded, wondering what he wanted to say. 

"You're so nice. You deserve to know the truth but I can't tell you! Hehe!" he slurred, covering his mouth with his hand and giggling. I looked at him confused before going and finding a blanket. 

When I came back downstairs he was already asleep so I just put the blanket over him and took Youngmi back outside to the car. "Let's get you home now," I told the little girl with a small smile and she got nervous again. 

"H-home? Ok," she seemed so scared and I didn't want to leave her there knowing that she could be getting hurt. 

I drove to the address that Sana sent to Hoseok. Once we got there I just wanted to take her back home with me but I know I can't. I went to Youngmi's side of the car and opened the door for her and she hesitantly left the car. I crouched down to meet her eye level. "If anything happens just tell me tomorrow at school ok?" I reminded her and she nodded. I took her to the front door and knocked twice. Soon enough Sana was standing there with a big smile. I said goodbye to Youngmi before going back to the car. I was hesitating, debating if I should go back and get her or leave and go back home. With a heavy heart I started to drive back home, worrying about her the whole way back.

~Time skip.~

School was over, the boys were at Yoongi's house to decorate while Nayeon and I took Chaewon and Youngmi out. We convinced Sana to let Youngmi come to the party and she didn't have to go back home this time since it was a sleepover. We were currently at a park, Nayeon and I sitting on a bench as we watched the girls run around, having fun. 

We took the two of them wherever they wanted and then I got a text from Yoongi. I took out my phone and opened the message. 

~Y/N's phone.~


We're done. Bring the kids. 


Oki doki!

Be there soon

"Ok girls, let's go back home!" I bubbled, smiling and feeling extremely excited. 

I drove the four of us to Yoongi's house, making small talk with the girls to keep the ride interesting. Nayeon played music, some of Chaewon and Youngmi's favourite songs to be exact. They seemed so happy and I couldn't help but smile to myself. 

Soon enough we were at Yoongi's house. I parked the car and got out and so did the rest of the girls. Nayeon and I took the girls inside and all the lights were off. 

"Why are all the lights off?" Chaewon asked. And that's when all the lights back back on and the boys jumped out of their hiding spots and we all screamed, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAEWON!"

To Be Continued...

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