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To Law, Hux's words sounded like static. He was frozen in place, petrified by the girl laying all to still on the floor .

Surely...she wasn't right? There was no way she could be gone right? This must be some sick joke. Get up Kona-ya. I can heal please...get up!

His pleas went unnoticed by the body. Law has felt this emptiness before, a long time ago. A kind of lose that could have been prevented, a lose that sparked more anger than sadness, a lose that made vision turn red.

"The drug will wear off in about an hour, you are free to go. Now that we don't have a reason to fight I won't tell the government about-"

Law body moves on its own. Just the thought of hearing Hux say another word makes him sick to his stomach. He ferociously stabbed him with his sword. Then he retreats backwards.

With his jaw clenched and a killer grip on his sword, he glares down at Hux.

"You don't know suffering"  he spits out. 

Law is on him again. Using his shambles, Law keeps slashing mercilessly. Hux's can only stand in shock. Feeling his clothes and skin being ripped to shreds.

A sudden force to Hux's chest sends him falling toward the ground. He coughs terribly and trembles.

Finally, Law lets up on his attacks. Just enough to let Hux catch his breath.

"S-stop" Hux almost whispers. Law almost laughs at the request. 

"LIKE YOU STOPPED FOR HER?!" Law yells out.


Pieces of Hux's sleeves start to tear away. His coughs continue.

"N-no, you see. I couldn't let you have..." his voice trails off while hyperventilating  "you're wrong. I do know suffering, more than you did"

He clumsily makes his way to his feet. Blood dripping from all the wounds he inquired. His sleeves almost fully gone, revealing his very pale skin.

"You were cured along time ago, I have suffered for so long. But then I finally found someone who could have saved me but no-"

On closer inspection of his arms you could see many spots of milk white skin.

"-She had to go and fuck the Surgeon of Death" he says taughtingly.

White Lead disease.

A disease known to have come from a wealthy country named Felavance. It was thought to have been wiped out along with the residence more than 10 years ago.

But here we are, seeing a grown man with the infamous spots and still not dead.

Hux gripped his arms tightly, leaving scratches over his white patches.

His memories flooded his mind...

The smell of blood was inescapable.

Everyone around him lied dead on the ground. His family, his friends from the school, everyone. Only he remained.

He was the son of one of the most prestigious doctors in Felavnace, along side Doctor Trafalgar. He planned to take over their family's hospital once he became older but that dream ended with the massacre.

"I don't want to die..." said 12 year old Lucas Hux to himself.

The hospital was being rampaged by soldiers with a mission to kill anyone who was still alive and then burn down the building.

Heal me (Trafalgar Law x OC)Where stories live. Discover now