Chapter thirteen

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Couple hours into our journey, we made a stop into a diner. Enzo signalled to the guys that we are going to stop to eat after Cindy and I complained about being hungry.

One thing that Cindy and I have in common is that we love food. We might not have a black hole in our stomach like Bear but we always seemed to have something to eat in our hands, especially in college. The library would be silent and all you could hear was our food packets or our chewing.

Liam nodded his head and signalled for us to follow him. He held us to this small diner not far from the gas station, we needed to more fuel anyways so we crossed of our list.

I watched Liam get off his bike and lean on it like he did earlier to light up another cig. Normally I don't find guys who smoke attractive at all but Liam does it in a way that makes him look cool.

"Smoking kills you know"

He stared at me, his eyes travelling slowly from my sandalled feet to my face. He didn't say anything, just tilted his head away to blow out his smoke so it doesn't reach me. But I'm a shifter so I could smell it where I stood which wasn't much further then where he stood.

"My mum tells me the same thing"he said awhile after I spoke.

I thought he was going to ignore me and I was getting ready to just walk away.

"Then why do you do it?"I asked.

"I'm a werewolf. It will kill me slower than humans. Plus I don't do too much. It's only when I'm too stressed or have a weird feeling that I can't figure out."

"No one really likes kissing ashtrays"I said in a know it all voice.

He shrugged "haven't been doing much kissing anyways"

I don't know why that made me happy but it did.

"Don't you want to?"I crossed my arms and tilted my head to the side.

He stared deep into my eyes.

"Depends"he shrugged looking away.


His signature smirk returning, his eyes flicker back to mine.

"On whether you're offering or not"the glint in his eyes returning.

Don't blush. Don't be a loser and blush. Don't do it.

"When pigs fly"I scoffed.

I knew I was red as a tomato.

He threw his head back and laughed. The first one I had seen that day, I couldn't help but smile.

"Come on lets eat. I'm hungry"

He took another hit of his cig, dropped it on the floor and step on it to put it out, then he picked it up and threw it in the bin.

I raised my brow, surprised and impressed.

"My mum smacked me on the head last time I left it on the floor. Became a habit now to pick it up and throw it in the bin"he said as if answering the unasked question.

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at that. Aunty Mi na is really something else.

"I really missed your mum. I can't wait to see her"

"Just don't mention her hair. She's really sensitive about it"he warned me.

"What's wrong with her hair?"I asked already knowing that uncle Dylan was behind it.

"Uncle Dylan put hair dye in her shampoo. Aunty Mia tried to dye it back to her normal colour but ended up coming out dark purple. She booked an appointment for the salon but uncle Dylan kept cancelling it"

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