Chapter nineteen

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It was a long drive from Stanford to Greenford. The boys took turns to drive and I felt bad so I offered to drive couple hours in only to be yelled 'NO' at. It did take me back a bit. I liked to think of myself as a decent driver and it's not my fault I get bored easily and tend to fall asleep behind the wheels.

"Your license should be taken away from you"Enzo said.

"Can't you just hack their system and remove her name from the list?"Bryce asked leaning into the space between the two front seats.

He could do it if he wanted to. Enzo was smart enough to hack into it and make a red flag appear beside my name.

I narrowed my eyes at Enzo when our eyes met in the front car mirror, daring him to do it.

"You won't dare do that!"I said darkly just in case my look wasn't enough.

"Do I have stupid written on my forehead?"he asked "That's asking for a beating"

Enzo was with me every time I failed a driving test. He was the one I complained to the most because Cameron left the room every time I came back with a paper stating that I once again failed. I went to him in the beginning and after awhile of hearing me say the same thing over and over again, he had enough and walked away. He did however offer to sit in with my dad and I when practicing, he quit after the first day. He actually quit in the first 5 minutes but I wouldn't let him out of the car, mainly because I didn't know what button I had to press to open the door.

Since Cameron was being Cameron, I made it my duty to complain to Enzo about how my driving instructors sucked and how they hated me and that's why I haven't passed yet. When really it was because I was just horrible. It got to the point the instructors knew me by name without looking at the sheet and would fight with each other to not be my car instructors. It was embarrassing to witness. I had Enzo to rant to after it happened, poor guy heard the same thing over and over again. He even offered to hack the system but unfortunately my dad heard and told him not to do that. Enzo being Enzo and respecting my dad, he didn't. I was a determined person so I got better with lots of practice. I mean lots of practice.

"I say you just do it. It would only be one beating. It would keep the roads safe. You would practically be a hero."

"Bryce I think you're forgetting that you are in the backseat with me right now. There is no one to save you. Nowhere to run"I said reminding him of the danger he was in.

Bryce blinked at me then gave me one of his cheeky smiles.

"Cindy would save me"Bryce replied. "Right?"he waited for Cindy to confirm without looking at her.

Cindy didn't reply. Bryce turned his head to face her only to see her peacefully reading another book. Bryce turned back to me, his eyes widened.

Through the corner of his mouth he said in a very high pitch voice "yes my handsome Bryce. I will save you from the horrible evil woman threatening to hurt you"

Enzo and Liam chuckled.

"Is that suppose to be Cindy? You know she will kick you ass if you say she sounds like that"

"I don't think she even heard. We could be hooking up right here right now and she wouldn't blink an eye"

That sentence was wrong in many ways. Both Bryce and I scrunched our nose and Bryce looked like the words left a distaste taste on his tongue.

Before I could say anything to Bryce, we heard a low growl coming from the front of the car. We both turned to face Liam who was glaring at us and not pretending like the beastly sound didn't come from him.

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