Chapter twenty two

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My brother was being ridiculous. Not that I blamed him. But no phone calls, no house visits, no interaction with both him and Ryan is going a little too far. I understand that he wants some alone time with his mate but banning us from his house completely was too much. Liam doesn't agree, he supports Cameron stating that the guy deserves some privacy with his girl without everyone else breathing down his neck. Vince didn't care either way, Enzo looked like he needed to get something off his chest and Bryce seemed to be too freaked out, not that he would ever admit it, by zombie Ryan to care about my brother decision.

There was a lot going on. It was okay to want privacy, I understand that. I do. I would want that too but Ryan does have loved ones. Her world does exist other than my brother's. She has people that wanted to make sure that she was alright before they headed back home. The least he could have done was allow them to FaceTime her. He was being too possessive. The day Ryan came back from the dead, he wouldn't even allow her to go to the other room to put clothes on. He didn't want her out of his sight.

I got that he was afraid she would disappear forever if he couldn't see her but come on. She couldn't sit there in front of everyone with only his shirt on. He didn't see the big deal. Why would he? She wore his scent, that was flattering to him. Ryan and I shared a look, it was amusing but frustrating. Ryan and I had to practically beg him to cool it off, if it was only me, I would have still been there begging him. It was only when Ryan nuzzled his naked chest, like a wolf would and looked up at him that he cooled it off enough for her escape and put some clothes on. When she came back into the room, he pulled her into his lap and didn't let go of her until everyone left. She didn't seem to mind it, she wanted to be near him as much as he wanted to be near her.

Still being in the house this long must be driving her mad. I knew it did before. She was used to moving all the time, that staying at the house was driving her insane. I'm not bad at reading people so I knew that Ryan liked independence, she liked working and taking care of herself, that being said I don't think she would mind taking some time off and being taken care of by my brother.

I saw it that night. The night she returned to us as a wolf. She was as gone for my brother as he was. There was no hiding behind that wall she built.

I liked Ryan. She was tough, cool and real. She would be a great Luna for the pack.

"Thomas, Steve and Olivia are going back home"Bryce said, throwing himself on the couch beside Cindy.

Cindy huffed and glared at Bryce, who battled his lashes at her, his way of apologising. She shook her head and rolled her eyes at him unable to be mad at him for too long.

"What about Joe and his wife"Enzo asked absently as he clicked off on his laptop.

"Joe and Gia decided to stay awhile, to figure out what the hell is going on"Bryce answered, stealing some of Cindy snack.

I didn't blame them. There was some much missing besides Joe's memory. I understood why they decided to not leave until they got the answers needed.

Cindy turned her chocolate pieces pack towards him so he didn't have to twist his hands to get some.

There was a high possibility that Joe is actually Dean Jones. I keep seeing his face when he found out of that possibility. He looked almost relief, like some of his questions had been answered but within a second his mood changed, he looked lost. Like he didn't really know himself anymore. He walked out of the room looking like he had more weight in his shoulders.

I didn't know much about the situation because Mum, dad and Uncle Tom are keeping it harsh harsh, all I knew was that something happened the night of his disappearance. Something ugly.
Someone intended to hurt him long term. It was the only explanation. Why else wouldn't they have killed him instead? Who ever did this to him, was powerful and knew exactly what they were doing. He lost his memory, he lost his identity, his children, friends, his pack and his pack mark. The only person that can remove a pack mark was the Alpha of the pack or like I said someone really powerful.

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