A Bad Dream-1

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"Run May, we have to escape before he catches us."

"What?" I asked and she suddenly grabbed my hand and started running. I looked behind to see why was I being dragged like this.

In the lush greenery around me, a giant wolf with red wild eyes exuding an aura of power and anguish was chasing me. Behind him were two more brown wolves.

"A dream about werewolves, this is awesome!" I thought.

The sunlight hardly trickled through the dense canopy of trees and the ground was covered with thick undergrowth of shrub and moss. It seemed like an exotic tropical forest. The relief was uneven and though the soil touching my feet felt soft, I could see several stones lying in its vicinity, I tried to check my steps so as to not stumble and fall down. Turning to the other side, I observed the stranger I was running with.

Her long silver hair glistened on encounter with the dazzling sun rays. Even though they seemed dirty and had leaves stuck in them, they gracefully heaved up and down as she ran. I caught a glimpse of her eyes which were emerald green and so breathtaking that I was convinced; she could be the main character of a werewolf novel. Despite her thin frame she was sprinting like an athlete. She was just too beautiful to exist in reality.

"Ahhhhh," I groaned as I felt a sharp pain, I looked down and saw that my legs were badly bruised and both knees were scraped and covered in blood. I was wearing some strange long dress ripped at the ends, torn and soiled.

This dream was too realistic. I was even feeling pain. It looked like reading all those  books had affected my mind, maybe it's because I usually read before sleeping. I was not complaining though, it felt awesome.

I heard a snarl and saw the wolves nearing in. I was out of breath and so was the other girl as she huffed and breathed from her mouth.

"Why are we running? He is too close to escape successfully," I said panting, strangely I felt very tired. Also, I had to see the wolf closely before I woke up.

"I know where we can hide in the forest," she told, turning towards the side where the forest seemed to grow more dense. "They won't get our scent because of the potion. I won't give up. I can't lose from those bastards," she huffed.

She would probably lose. Well that's according to my experience, not that I wanted her to lose or anything. I love strong female leads. Maybe we would escape as it was my dream. But they were wolves and we were humans, outrunning them is an impossible task.

"Why can't we shift to our wolves?" I asked for a check, ignoring the fact that we were being chased. It was a dream, anyways.

She gave me a bewildered look, ducking down to avoid the branch she said, "Why are you asking such questions?"

"I am curious," I answered bluntly. It wasn't reality so it didn't really matter what she thought of me.

Her face literally seemed to shout 'what the hell are you asking?', her eyebrows furrowed in estrangement.

"Side effects of the potion," she said.

I saw a cave like structure a bit far, there was a slight smile on her face. It was probably the escape route. I sighed in relief, I couldn't run anymore.

"Give up, you are surrounded," a strong male voice said somewhere from the midst of the trees, "you have lost from the bastards princess."

I could hear someone chuckle and even I found myself smiling automatically, thinking to myself that it was such a cliché.

"Never," she shouted as we entered the cave.

I looked back again, strangely all the wolves had disappeared. It turned dark as there was no light in the cave. I was congratulating myself on escaping when I collided with something. I was about to fall when the silver hair held me in her arms.

"I told you already, you are surrounded," echoed a voice from behind.

Three people walked in from behind, surely the three wolves who were chasing us.

"Looks like your friend likes our sense of humor." It was the same voice from before, referring to my previous expression. Strangely I felt slightly scared as they moved closer, but my heart was also beating in a strange excitement. I was experiencing something I imagined so many times while reading.

I saw clenched fists beside me and I held her hand to calm her down. Actually, I was the one who needed someone to hold me. This was so awesome, I felt like jumping like a kid who was in an amusement park for the first time.

Her face was full of anger yet she looked like a calm serene portrait. The footsteps stopped just an inch away from us.

In the midst of the darkness I saw red eyes flicker in front of me, then suddenly there was a loud growl.



So, who is gonna be the mate?

Nope, the FL is not the mate. You thought wrong.

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