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Melissa was not ready to leave me alone even when I said that I wanted to go to the secret hide out I and Beatrice had. Though she looked like a sweet naive kid, she was pretty smart and sensible. Finally after playing with her, I sent her away to get some water as I was parched and felt really tired. Like a guardian who was responsible to look after me, she warned not move, but I knew this was the chance to slip away and do what I came for.

There was a path which went into the forest but as I went further in, it ended. The trees here were tall and many, shrubs and mosses covered the ground. There was hardly any sunlight due the dense canopy of trees, I decided to just move straight in as I was not sure of the way. This could have ended up in a complete failure with me just getting lost in there like a stupid kid. This had started to seem like a bad idea with the passing time, I was worrying about all the insects and snakes that could harm me and yet this was the only thing I could do to find my way back. Lest I should die, it might be my way out of this mess.

Mystel forest the place where Estelle could be in, hiding from the world. I couldn't figure how much time had passed but I was sure I was deep in, this area reminding me of the first day in this world.

Among the eerie silence of forest the only sound was of my steps when I suddenly heard some rustling from my right, something was surely there. A sane part of my mind told that I shouldn't go as this could be a wild animal, rogue, anything which could possibly devour me. The other side who had read all the cliché books in the world told that there must be something and I should definitely go.

Of course, I was going to listen to the conscious not fiend. Slowly I moved forward as to not give away my presence. I was cursing my impulsive self who decided to just walk in a jungle like it was a park. All I had thought about possibility of finding Estelle, overlooking the danger looming in here.

As I questioned whether I should head back or not, I heard a wailing sound, someone was crying. I didn't know how animals cried so this should probably be a human. I racked my brain, a rogue couldn't be crying like a kid or maybe they were lonely?

I decided to go check, a crying thing couldn't hurt me anyway. Strangely the trees became scanty as I followed the sound but then it stopped completely. I waited but there was no other voice heard. Someone was surely there but who?

As I took a step, I heard the rustle of leaves, someone was there and this time they were not crying but probably following me. I cursed myself, if this was a rogue I won't be out alive. I turned back, returning like I was just someone lost in the same pace but as I went ahead the sound grew louder, coming from two different directions.

"Damn it," I muttered and ran as fast as I could. It was such a bad idea, I should have just lived off like a queen. I could almost hear Arthur telling in my head, "I am not responsible if you die."

Whatever it was, it was coming closer. I knew I cannot outrun wolves but I ran with all my might.

"Stop," someone declared but I didn't. Out of breath as I sprinted, I stumbled on a rope tied to the trees just a little above the ground.

"So this is how it ends," I thought. Waiting for the fateful clash with the ground, as soon as I landed, it crumbled beneath me and I fell into a hole. This was similar to traps laid by hunter to catch their prey. So was I the prey?

"I told you to stop," spoke someone.


A figure jumped down from a tree and landed just near the burrow I was in. As they looked down at me, I realised grim reaper was a girl with braided hair.

My head was hurting, maybe I had broken a bone or two. My eyes automatically started shutting, I wanted to get up but as I tried I felt a sharp pang in my back.

From the other side came a big wolf stopping just near the edge. My whole body felt drained of energy, was this death? I passed out, I couldn't have been conscious as I knew the fear and tension would have hurt me more than any physical wound.

"Let's take her to the healer," were the last words I heard.


So how's the cliffhanger?

Finally an interesting chapter to write.

Don't forget to vote. I really appreciate all of you for using your precious time to read my book.💜

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