He Is Coming

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We were bound together in an eerie silence. I could feel her staring at me but she never said a word. Her eyes were blank and she hardly ate. Unlike my expectations, she wasn't angry but indifferent, in a world of her own.

"Are you okay?" she asked as I got on the bed lying next to her.

I nodded looking in her pretty eyes which were red and swollen from crying.
It was a lie. Something was wrong with my memory. Everything felt like it was covered with fog, a part of it seemed locked to me. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't remember where exactly I was before I got here. A nausea which unexplainably occurred whenever I delved deeper into my head.

"I am sorry," she mumbled, her hand on my face caressing it tenderly like I was a fragile object.

"It's okay," I said taking her warm hand. "Promise to stand by me." Having someone on my side would increase my chances of survival.

"I would," she replied, her voice trembling. The owner of this body had saved her. Was she crying because of the guilt or the gratitude?

"Sleep now, you must be tired."

She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep, I couldn't, I had literally dozed off the entire day. Her hand felt warm, holding onto me like I would disappear if she would let go.

Empathy, I could feel it despite the fact that everything felt like it was from a fantasy werewolf novel. I had read too many of them to even remember if this place resembled any of the books I had read. Silver poison, this was the word which somehow remained in my mind. I had heard of it before but where or in which book?

Had I gone insane or was this a real world?


"May, can you wake up?" I heard. Who was someone so polite? Where was the pillow that landed on my face when I didn't wake up.

Yawning I stretched my arms only to feel bitter pain from it, taking away the drowsiness. I was accustomed to seeing her weird white hair.

"There's a council meeting, maybe we can go back as it's confirmed that I am no longer the prince's mate. I will help you get ready, maybe we will be able to return to today."

"Okay," I said getting up. Something felt out of line. According to the trope she shouldn't be able to return as she would eventually fall in love by staying here. Maybe this world was different.

With her help I was soon ready, waiting to leave. "He is your mate maybe you should give him a chance," I said being unable to contain my thoughts.

She turned, staring at me with concern I often saw on my parents' face, "It's okay, you don't remember it," she said.

"What is it?" I asked but before she could answer someone knocked at the door.

"Come in."

Alex stepped in, I smiled at my new acquaintance but he gave no reaction.
"I will guide you."

We went out following him two steps behind. I observed my surroundings, mesmerized at the beautiful medieval era style corridor. It was white and had some paintings hung. Last time I couldn't look at it as I was too busy crying.

Soon I found myself in front of a huge wooden door that was carved and had a complex design of moon and a rose on it.

Alex opened the door and acquired a serious countenance. I followed his suit as I didn't want to offend any of these wolves more.

I saw the alpha, the doctor and an old woman sitting on chairs that resembled the ones you see in an antique showroom. There was a table around which everyone was sitting.

The old woman resembled the alpha and I could already tell who she was. Maybe she wanted to meet Beatrice.

"Please have a seat," said the old woman and I sat down besides Beatrice. She continued, "I am your mother-in-law but today I am not here to talk about you."

"I don't want anyone except us to know about the silver poison attack on your friend," said the Alpha.

The old woman continued, "It is heartbreaking to say this but I must as it is my duty. Do you know what losing your wolf means?"

First of all, I never really had a wolf. Second, if it was that painful then just don't tell me anything. I wasn't really the one who would enjoy a tragic story.

"Losing your wolf means that your mate won't be able to sense that you are his or not."

"In short, you might never find your mate," said the alpha in a sad low tone.

That means even in this werewolf world I was basically a human. I sighed, after all this I had to endure, I was just a plain human.

Beatrice looked at me with a tearful expression. When everyone was feeling sad for me, I actually really didn't feel anything. At least I am not in a situation like that of a cliché where you are stuck with a mate you didn't want. It would be too much for me to handle. I might as well try to get Beatrice together with him, maybe after this I could magically go back. I mean books end when the mates get together and have their happy ending, they do right?

"What do you mean by might?" asked Beatrice. She was paying more attention than me. She didn't have to worry; I was finer without a mate.

"We think that she can could be our queen," he said. Beatrice looked as if she could have a heart attack in the next moment.

"You think she's the crown prince's mate," she said loudly as she had lost her control.

At this moment even I had lost my control, I didn't prefer saying such words but this occasion was special. As soon as I heard this I said,

"What the....


I will soon proof read it, if you find any mistakes do tell me in comments.

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Is it getting boring or am I moving too fast?


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