Chapter 5

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A/N:Good luck with this one 😬..I bet you're like,SHUT UP AVA!

The 'Still2gether' trailer looks sooooo good 🥺

(This has been a nightmare to write since while I am writing it,it is 34 degrees where I am!!!And I'm currently dying from it lmao)
Win's POV:

My arms wrap tightly around the firm but warm thing next to me.I move closer to the thing and it smells really nice and manly..WAIT WHAT...this isn't my pillow!

I quickly open my eyes,maybe a bit too quick since I feel a headache slowly start.I close my eyes again to steady myself and then wait a bit for the pain to die down.

When I can finally sit up,I look to my side and notice it's..BRIGHT VACHIRAWIT CHIVAAREE!Oh no,what the fuck have I done?! *shocked bunny face*

Memories rush into my head of last night.I remember kissing him,please tell me that's just it!Oh my Brahma!!What happens if we did more?!My poor virginity taken by him.He's my best friend!!

"Ughh,Win come..back,it's cold without you next to me,"the guy,himself, mumbles while patting the side of my bed.Hearing him murmur in his morning voice makes me squeak a noise I've never made in my entire life!

"Owh!My ears-"He finally looks up,"Win..are you okay?"I think the way I'm looking at him says it all.I can't believe I just kissed my closest friend.I mean,I knew that when I get drunk,I do stupid things BUT..

I don't think I'd ever do this..

WAIT!What happens if he forced himself onto me?!As much as I know he's a gentleman,who says he wasn't drunk!I trust him,I trust him,I trust him,I trust him,I tru-

"WIN!"he shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts."Ahh!What do to me?"I stutter.

Bright went from looking tired to having a painful-type of look in his eyes.

"How much do you remember?"Vachirawat whispers.

"I remember going to Drake's,dancing to Rsiam.After,I think you took me home.Then when I think deeper about it,I remember you kissing me hard and me not kissing back..!"

"So,what are you implying..?You think I would FORCEFULLY kiss a close friend of mine while he was drunk?!"Bright says,looking even more hurt if that's possible.

"Well I don't know,do I?!"I shout a bit too loud since I feel the throbbing feeling come back but this time, worse.

"Win,I'd never do that,I promise you!"

"Bright with all respect,I know you wouldn't but I can't think properly.Let me have a bath,pain killers and a good think about it and THEN if I remember something else, I'll message you or something,"I grumbles while rubbing my temples.

"Nong,are you kicking me out?"he whimpers.It's kind of weird seeing him so vulnerable since usually he has a serious tone and never let's us see him cry or sad.

"Well,yeah.Of course this is until-"Before I get to finish my sentence,Bright is stood up and picking up his phone and shoes.

"Phi'?"He doesn't reply and leaves,not even looking back.To be honest,I didn't know that I was being all serious.It also must be weird for Bright since usually I'm all 'happy bunny' but now I think I was just being damn right rude...

God damn it!

Now he's left me!

I move my lazy legs to the kitchen and get some water and pain killers.I'd like to thank my doctor since he gave me the type of pills that help with pain almost twenty minutes after taking them.

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