Chapter 11

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A/N: Hello there 👀We're finally going to see Win's answer!

This is going to be short btw so I'm sorryyy 😫
*Wins POV*:

-can't say yes,I'm sorry Bright but I can't be in a relationship with you.I do really like you but we're moving too quick."I whisper before standing up.

"Just take me home please,"I command.Bright looks like a lost puppy,any smart person can tell he's thinking about a lot of things.

"Y-yeah sure,"pain was audible in his voice.

I get into the car I've been in many times and he drove me to my apartment.

It was a quiet drive,it was that quiet to the point where I could hear Bright's breathing pattern change as he's clearly crying.

I felt bad,yeah,but I guess it's his fault..not mine..

We get to my place and as I was about to get out the car,Bright grabbed my hand in a way of 'telling me to come back'.

I turned my head and saw tears running down his red checks while his brown eyes were becoming puffy.

"W-win,will I ever get another chance?"

I think about it for a bit,"Maybe and if so,it may be in a few years.Night P'Bright!"I finally got out of the car and when I look back, I saw Bright sobbing with his head on the steering wheel.

I didn't feel as bad as I should to be honest.

What a dramatic night it's been!?

*Bright's POV:

I felt hurt.

What did I do wrong?

My mind was rethinking everything I've ever said and done but I can't pick out anything I've ever done wrong to him.My Mum brought me up well.

Am I ugly?Was I pushing it?Did I say it wrong?Am I annoying?

More tears come out of my eyes and all I could do is wonder,what have I done?!

Maybe,just maybe,in my past life I was horrible and deserved this.

*Time skip to a few months*

Me and Win barely spoke and when we did,it was fan service.I think all of our fans and friends knew we weren't the same as before.

I still liked-no loved him.Yeah I did!

Stupid of me but seeing him smile made my heart do back flips.I remember when he rejected me,for that whole week I was broken.

I still am.Our friendship is ruined,I'd rather be friends then lovers if anything.

There was rumours that Win had found a boyfriend and good for him,it hurts me so much but it's his life and his choices.

It sucks since after everything that's happened,if he suddenly said he liked me and wanted to date me,I'd welcome him with open arms.



*Win's POV*:

-Of course Bright!!!"I jump into his arms a lot more quicker then intended.

"Thank gosh because I don't know what I'd do if you said no!"he mumbles into the hug.

We look at each other,both of us with big smiles on our faces.Almost automatically,our faces start going closer and closer to one-another.This was going to be like our first kiss to me.

And I was actually going remember it this time hehe..!

Our lips met softly,we have pecked each other but I don't really count stuff like that as kisses.

We both move our mouths against each other but that wasn't enough for me,nope.This might sound weird but I wanted it rougher..

My fingers snake their way to the back of his head and into his soft dark,brown hair.They massage his head a bit before I pull his head forward which makes his lips closer to mine,if that's even possible!

All of a sudden,I feel a warm tongue come out and lick my bottom lip before teeth start nibbling on it.I moaned a bit too loud and my face went red from embarrassment but Bright just carried on.

I open my mouth and then he immediately took advantage of it since I could feel his tongue go over mine.I got goosebumps from a sensation I've felt before but can't remember.

Our tongues battle for dominance but I back down and allow him to get it.

His tongue searches every place in my mouth before we pull apart.Both of us are breathing hard and trying to get our breaths.

"Win-That was amazing.Come on let's get home since it's getting cold,we can carry on there,"he breathes out before grabbing my hand.

We get up and have one last view of the city.It was such a beautiful environment to accept his 'boyfriend request'.

The city was dark but still awake with all its different lights everywhere,it was more better since I was with Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree.

Anywhere with him makes it 100% better then it would've been.

Tonight will definitely be memorable to me and Bright.

As soon as I was about to get into the car,I stop and look at him."What's up,bunny?"he asked,confused why I'm not in the car yet.

"Will we come here again?"

A smile forms onto his face,softening his features.

"Of course we will."


How did you feel when Win said no?I had to mess with you guys..sorry 👉👈
I really liked the angst😅ngl

It's raining 🙃I LOVE RAIN,okay now I'm actually going!

Word count-942

Good day,

Ava Robinson (DON'T HATE ME AHHHH)☺️

Accidental Kiss (BrightWin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz