02. A Bad Feeling

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Next thing Wes knew, they were being shipped out of town while they took care of the smell again. It was stupid, he thought, but he didn't mind the getaway. He was getting sick and tired of high school and he really just wanted to be done with it by now. His sister, Winona, plopped down next to him on the bus seat and he already knew what was going to happen.

"You're not getting the window seat, Winnie," he spoke before she even had the chance to ask. Behind them, classy as ever, Sahar and Daniel were making out. Winona and Wes were experts at blocking it out by now, so they weren't paying too much attention.

"Whatever, it's not like I was gonna light up anyway, everyone would be asking for some like bitch this isn't a puff puff pass situation," Winona scoffed as she crossed her arms and put in just one headphone so she could still talk to Wes. They got along better than most siblings, he felt. He and Winona hated each other when they were little, but once they started developing their own personalities they seemed to find each other a little bit more likable. It helped that he and Winona started sharing weed and cigarettes under their parents' noses. Nothing encouraged sibling bonding like drugs and keeping secrets.

In the seat across the aisle and one row up, Wes immediately noticed when his ex-girlfriend Amaya sat down with one of her friends from the cheerleading team. Of course, he had to be stuck on the same bus as her. What's next? Grizz walking in?

Thankfully, the bus doors shut long after that and she was the only enemy Wes was going to have to deal with. Amaya was a problem he could easily ignore since they refused to speak to each other ever since last year.

"Dude, you have a staring problem," the girl next to him observed with an eye roll, "Just let the girl live. She literally doesn't even care about it anymore, I don't know why you do."

"Yeah, she's not the one who got totally betrayed," Wes said with a scoff as he shook his head at his sister's words. How she could be so casual about something so awful for him, he had no idea. "Trust me, you'll get cheated on and you'll understand."

"Why would you wish that upon me? Not all of us are blissfully unlucky in love like you," the girl teased with a biting smile on her face, "Besides, I think you're dramatic. It's been a year."

Wes rolled his eyes, pulling out his own headphones, "You just don't get it. Grizz and Amaya were everything to me and then they had to go and fuck it up."

"Hey man, can you cut the depressing shit out?" Daniel piped up since apparently he had taken a break from swapping spit with Sahar, "Kind of killing the mood."

"You're making out on a bus filled with annoying teenagers and I'm what kills the mood?" the blond boy asked in disbelief, "I am venting my feelings and you're being rude. Sheesh, can't take you guys anywhere."

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