07. Help Me

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So this was how Wes ended up on a fucking camping trip with Grizz Visser. This was ridiculous and he didn't even have any of his friends with him to complain about it with. He couldn't believe this was what his life had come to. Maybe he was being a bit dramatic, but he didn't really care. If the shoe fits, he supposes. He bats leaves and branches away from his face with a grumble as they walked, everything in his vicinity making it their personal mission to irritate the hell out of him.

"Okay, so five day's worth of food," Grizz was explaining, "that should be enough to get us past Greenwich, Stamford, and all the way up to New Haven."

The group was silent as they walked, Wes doing his best to stay a safe distance away from Grizz. Alas, he could never know peace as the boy seemed to deliberately fall behind so he could match pace with the boy.

"Dude, immediately no," Wes mumbles before the boy can even get a word out of his mouth.

"Dude!" Grizz exclaims, "You didn't even hear what I was going to say."

"I don't need to," the blond shook his head, "I am here as a favor, not to mend fences. And because you guys would probably die without me."

Grizz took offense to this, "Yeah, if I wasn't here maybe, but we'd survive just fine without you. It's just nice... to have help. I'd rather have two people who know what they're doing than just me. Don't think you're any more special than you are."

"My presence is a gift, excuse you," Wes teased, but there was no malice behind it. He tried to will himself to be genuinely angry, but he was mostly just annoyed, which, unfortunately, was lessened the more Grizz took what Wes was throwing at him. He wondered if maybe he wanted to see Grizz angry, but it felt like more than that. Maybe it was therapeutic to get to lash out and Grizz and have him throw it right back to him like it was the easiest thing in the world. Their dynamic didn't use to be so weird. Now, Wes never understood what was going on between them. What he did know was that he very much hated Grizz. That wasn't going to change in a million years.

"Yeah, you're right," the boy spoke softly, which caught Wes off guard. Before Wes could respond, he cleared his throat and addressed the group, "If you guys want we can stop and maybe set up for some lunch, I know everyone was... exerting themselves last night."

"Thank God," Luke muttered as he began to find some logs to sit on. The reason Grizz must have said this was because they had come across a small clearing in the trees and there was no telling when they would get another chance at space to set up a small camp like this. Still, they had a lot more progress to make.

They settled down in the clearing and began to sort through the food they had. Wes was admittedly starving since he hadn't eaten since last night at the party and even then the food was mostly drowned out by the sheer amount of alcohol he forced into his system. He happily took the food he was offered as he settled down on a log next to Grizz. It wasn't on purpose, of course, it was just where they had ended up.

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