chapter two

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-the next day-

we all met at the boat dock, john b texted us there was a "surprise" for today. that could mean anything from he found out more about his dad or he found the bandana he lost last week. we all got aboard and road off, he refused to tell us anything. we heard music and could smell someone grilling.

"dude did you set us up a barbecue? sweet!" jj exclaimed.

"nope we're sneaking in," john be explained. we were all confused how we would sneak in to our own barbecue. kiara knew about the annual cookout the cameron's host around the fourth of july. the one she managed to talk her way out of this year.

"no. no way i'm going to that" she said with a nasty look on her face. we all agreed.

"yeah me neither"

"not me"

no one wanted to go in besides john b. "come on guys i promised sarah i'd get us all in. she's been wanting to speak with all of you."

"i settled my shit with her for you, but i refuse to be buddies with her," kiara said with a smug look.

"you don't have to be friends, just come with me guys please, i'll owe you one"

"you're gonna owe me one and a half," jj joked.

we tied our boat off and all got out. to blend in, jj and i dressed up as bartenders, pope dressed up as a server, kiara wore a dress, and john b wore an apron.

"okay let's split up. popes dad and kiaras parents are to the left so pope and kiara go right. y/n and jj go that way. i'll head over here, sarah said she meet me in about 30 minutes. remember to avoid eye contact with anyone who may recognize us, but try to have fun."

and off we went.

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