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☆ note that vanya's actor uses he/they pronouns but the character uses she/her !


Eight pulled the blankets over her head, groaning as the same person knocked on her door again. She waited for a minute before they knocked again. Y/n told them to come in. Who ever was waking her up at two in the morning should have good reason.

Pogo walked into her room, keeping the light off. The only source of light being the soft one the hallway offered. Y/n sunk into her pillow more, the light hurting her eyes.

"Did something happen?" She asked since she couldn't really see his face, just a silhouette.

"Unfortunately, your father has passed away from a heart attack." He said in a hushed tone.

She paused, "I can... I can call the others for you, Pogo. I'll do it first thing tomorrow morning." Y/n offered.

The silhouette nodded and left after a quiet thank you.


Y/n laid on the living room couch, staring at the ceiling waiting for see if anyone would show up for the funeral. If she had to go, then everyone had to show up, right? The front door clicked shut and someone walked into the foyer, and Y/n rushed to see who it was.

"Diego." She poked out from around the corner, noticing how different he looked.

"Y/n, how's my little sister doing? I haven't seen you since I moved out." He questioned.

She grimaced, "I'm not you're little sister, I just haven't aged in 17 years."

"Well, you're shorter than me and in the body or a 14 year old. So, you put two and two together." He bent down a bit to her height level.

"Do you ever shut up?" she joked, crossing her arms.

He laughed, making his way up the stairs, "Nope."

Y/n shook her head, laughing to herself as someone else came in a minute or two later. The sound of heels clacking against the tile were enough to say who it was.

"Y/n? You look..."

"The exact same as when you last saw me?" Eight guessed.

"Yeah," She sighed, "I know you stopped aging, but I thought Dad had fixed it after we left."

"Nope, he died before he could figure out what happened." She shrugged, looking around the foyer.

"Uh, I hate to ask but, has Five showed up at all?" Allison tucked some of her curls behind her ear while asking.

"No, maybe one of these days he'll come around. Hell, it could be today and he'll spice the funeral up a bit," She joked, "I'm gonna go upstairs, yeah?"

Allison nodded. Y/n went upstairs and went to go into her room. Across from her room was Fives. She hadn't gone in it since before he left.
With time, she forgot what it looked like. If not for the painting of Five, she probably would've forgotten what he looked like as upsetting as it is.

She heard more people arriving and made her way back down to the living room, taking the open seat next to Vanya.

"I guess we should get this started," Luther awkwardly stood up, "I figured we could have a memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot."

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