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☆ no warnings !


The two had been sitting in the van nearly all day. Soft, golden sun rays poured through the front windshield, making the van hot and uncomfortable to sit in for so long on a spring day. For the umpteenth time in the past hour, Y/n looked around the clutter of the van, hoping something new would appear.

She noticed something under an old, empty soda can and kicked at it with her foot. She snatched the ten dollar bill that was under it.

"Where are you going?" Five asked as she hopped out of the car.

"I'm gonna go get a book." She replied, pointing in the direction of the small book store. "I'm bored."

"Oh, okay." He nodded and went back to watching the building.

As she entered the small store, she sighed, it was much cooler than it was outside or in the van. Her usual cold temperature couldn't even stand that heat. She began searching for her favorite book, checking each of the organized sections.

She was approaching the last few shelves of books and began to worry they might not even have it. As she checked the last row of books, she found 2 of them left and brought one up to the counter.

"Is that all?" The old woman asked who was working at the shop, burning some incense to her left. Y/n hummed in response. "That'll be 11 dollars."

"I only have 10. Can you just let the dollar slide?" Y/n gave her a forced smile, slowly sliding the bill across the counter.

"Nope, sorry." She snatched the book from the counter and put it in a bin.

Y/n muttered something and grabbed the last copy of the book before running out of the store. Alarms went off that told her to stop but she kept going, almost getting hit by a pale blue car as she ran through the street.

"Sorry!" She shouted at the driver that had honked at her and kept running.

Five looked at her wildly as she clambered into the van, her breathing sharp and fast from all the running. She removed her dark blue blazer, folding it in half and setting it next to her in the seat that could fit another person if desired.

"Why were you running?" Five asked slowly, worried for her answer.

"How'd you know I was running?" She questioned, still breathing heavily.

"You're out a little out of breath and I saw you almost get hit by car just now." He mentioned with a fake smile.

"I stole the book." She replied casually, shrugging her shoulders.

"What happened to the ten dollars?"

"The book was eleven dollars. The old woman working there wouldn't let it slide," She continued, "Why does it even matter? The world ends in a few days anyways."

"Yes, but incase you forgot why we've been sitting in this van all day, we're trying to stop that from happening." He emphasized, shaking his head and looking out of the window again.

"Sorry." She mumbled, "I won't use the end of the world as an excuse for theft again."

The sides of his mouth twitched as he fought off a smile at the girls apology. Lucky for him, she didn't notice as she engrossed herself in the book she had shoplifted. As she turned a page, she dropped the book. A knock on the window next to her caused her to jump, she glared at the person who knocked.

"Christ." She rolled her eyes and unlocked the door. Luther opened it.

"Move over." He demanded.

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