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☆ mentions of a drug addiction and blood !


"What are you looking for?" Y/n asked Five as she took a seat at the table. He didn't answer, he just kept rummaging through the shelves.

"Where's Vanya?" Allison asked the three as she entered the kitchen.

"She's gone." Klaus replied, holding on to a guitar.

"That's unfortunate," Five spoke up, stopping his search, "An entire square block, 42 bathrooms, 19 bedrooms but no. Not a single drop of coffee."

"Dad hated caffeine." Allison reminded Five as she walked over to the table.

"Yeah and he hated children too but he had plenty of us." Klaus joked, earning a small laugh from Y/n.

"We're taking the car. Come on, Y/n." Five told them. Y/n sighed and stood back up to leave.

"Where are you guys going?" Klaus asked, intrigued.

"To get a decent cup of coffee." Five answered him as if it were obvious.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison questioned him.

"I know how to do everything." He retorted before teleporting him and Y/n to the car.

The sky was clear and dark, not a single cloud in sight, just stars and the full moon. Five started driving and a comfortable silence ensued between them until the next red light.

"What was Diego talking about at the funeral?" Five asked, letting go of the steering wheel as they waited.

Y/n shrugged, "Just stuff about the old man, I guess. You know how he was."

"I meant about you."

"Well, stuff happened after you left," she waved a dismissive hand, "When I stopped aging."

The red light switched to green, painting both of their faces and the car jolted forward. "Yeah, but what exactly happened?"

"When you left, I stopped aging, and Dad wanted to know why. So, he ran a bunch of tests on me, and almost a year later he gave me this pill and told me to take it." she continued, moving her hands around for emphasis, "I was meant to take the pill once a day, but I was having side affects so I thought he said to take two a day."

Five parked the car and took the keys out.

"Long story short; I had a bunch of side affects from taking two a day and addicted. So, when he took me off of them, I went through withdrawals."

Five messed with the keys in his hands, "Are you doing better now?" he asked slowly, like he was unsure if he should ask it. It was so uncharacteristic of him that Y/n froze for a moment.

"Yeah, it was a while ago." She shrugged, hands in her lap as she watched a customer leave the doughnut shop. "Can we go in now?"

Five nodded, following her into the shop. "Your parking is shit, by the way."

"You can walk back to the academy then." He took a seat at the counter and Y/n joined him.

"Okay, Mr. I can do everything."

The bell connected to the front door chimed again and an older man joined them at the counter.

"Sorry, sink was clogged." The waitress apologized as she came out from the back, "So, What'll it be?"

"Uh, I'll get a chocolate éclair." The man ordered as he reached for his wallet.

ENMITY , five hargreevesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя