Chapter 14:

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Sasha got up from her bed and walked in the living room to see that Tonya was on the couch asleep with the box right there on the couch in front of her. She went into the kitchen fixed her a glass of milk and walked back into her room. She went into her closet and looked for something to wear. She was stunned. She didn't think she had a reason to leave the house, so she just took a shower and slipped on a sundress.

Just as she walked into the living room, Tonya sat up and wiped her eyes. Sasha cut her eyes at her and sat down on the couch. She decided during her shower that she may as well figure out why Tonya had come to her home, with a ring on her finger and her uncle in a box on her couch. She was going to try to be nicer because of what her ex-best friend had been through. She was not going to be selfish.

They both sat in silence for an exceptionally long time. Tonya kept her head down the whole time. She could not think of any reason, besides being alive that she had to smile. Her husband and child were gone. Her heart was broken and did not think Sasha would hurt her even more then she had been hurt before. She was almost with pain, and Sasha looked as if she did not care.

"What do you want from me? I mean, why did you come here? Of all places, why?" said Sasha in a calm voice.

Tonya looked over at Sasha. "I want you to help me find my brother."

"Your brother, he went missing years ago. We thought he was dead remember? Okay now I know you are losing it!" said Sasha.

"I had thought the same thing until I got a letter from someone who calmed to be his boyfriend and who was looking for him, please he is the only family I have." Tonya said with tears in her eyes.

"His boyfriend? Okay I've never met your brother, but you never said anything about a boyfriend. There is nothing wrong with that at all. I'm just trying to figure out how your brother could be missing for almost 12 years. Now his boyfriend is looking for him. Your tragedy really never ends huh?" Sasha exclaimed.

All Tonya could do was shake her head and look crazy. She was really alone in this and if she was not Sasha really did make it look like she was going to help her. What was she going to do? Then she started rethinking coming there in the first place. All she needed was a friend and no one could do that for her right now. Nobody could take her off the edge that she was on. She got up grabbed her box and headed for the door.

"maybe I should go" she said with a crack in her voice.

"And where will you go? Huh? You have nowhere or at least that's what you told me. We will figure this out. Come sit down!" said Sasha in a small voice.

"You clearly do not want me here, and I have done everything I could to keep it together" she cried. "tell me how you are going to all of a sudden stop acting crazy towards me and help me."

Sasha stood up and turned towards Tonya. She looked at her holding that box tighter then a mother holding a child who is being taken from her arms. Her clothes were torn, and her face was swollen from crying, and in that moment, she did not see someone who had betrayed her. She saw her best friend just as she did when they first met. Sasha could see how much of a dark place she was in and put her head down.

"come on," Sasha said in a soft low voice. "let's get you cleaned up."

Sasha walked over and took Tonya by the hand. She took the box from her and sat it on the mantel. Tonya looked up at the box and saw that where Sasha had put it was a perfect place. It would not be moved again. That was its place from now on. They both walked through the hose to a part that would become Tonya's new room. Sasha went to her room and handed Tonya some clothes. It had taken everything in her to act as if she was not hurt by this, but she had to do what was right.

Once Tonya had taken a shower and gotten dressed, she asked if she could go see her mother. Sasha agreed and picked up her phone for the first time that day to see a missed call from Terrence. She was dealing with enough already, so she decided not to call him back. She grabbed her car keys and told Tonya she was ready to go. Tonya moved her car so they could get out of the driveway, and they left for food before going to the hospital.

Tonya went into detail about how she had been missing her mother and had gotten a call from her days ago that she was in the hospital. She had told her mother about the letter she had gotten but she was in no shock about anything. Her mother had always known her brother was not dead. In fact, she was fairly sure on the fact that her son was somewhere married and still had plenty women. Not one time did she think that while her son had gone into hiding, he would have gotten a boyfriend. That did not matter to Tonya see just missed her baby brother.

Once Tonya had gone to see her mother, she was ready to go home and lay down and Sasha agreed. They had done a lot of talking on the ride around town. Sasha was happy to be home, and even though she was once Tonya's best friend she had never met her mother. This was on purpose; she did not want anyone knowing anything about her life out of fear of being judged. Her life was quiet, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Sasha laid down and let herself get caught in her thoughts. Her life was about to chance so much. She really wanted to let all of this go but instead she had decided to be a good friend. Soon over the course of time she would have to let Tonya deal with things her way but for now this was it. She picked up the phone and called Terrence. To her surprise he did not answer. Tonight, she would be alone.

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