Chapter 9

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Adelina's POV:

I stumble through the hallway, almost tripping over everything that's already on the floor while subsequently knocking over more things. I go into my room taking out the drugs I had just bought and bring them into the living room while the familiar feeling of fear coursed through my veins.

I then go to Michaels room, picking up any money I could find with my shaking hands. As if my body is on autopilot, I go to the kitchen and pick up a plastic bag and hastily place the money I found in it.

I bring the slightly full bag into the basement where the safe is located. Tears prick my eyes as I struggle to properly put in the code, the image of Michael's throat being slit still fresh in my mind.

I almost sigh in relief when I finally manage to put it in right and the door pops open to reveal several stacks of hundred dollar bills. I start rapidly stuffing every last wad of money into the bag.

Once done I pick up the bag and bring to the living room. I tie it and place it on the floor as silent tears drip down my face , my body trembling as I drew ragged breath wondering what I would have to do next.

My eyes jolt open and fear is the first feeling I'm able to recognize. My  heavy breathing goes hand in hand with the sweat making my hair stick to my neck. My heart beats rapidly and I push my back against the headboard, leaning my head upwards and sit for a moment to catch my breath.

Actively trying to calm my heart , repeat soothing words in my head.

I'm ok.

Deep breath in.

I'm safe.

Deep breath out.

I turn to my phone and check the time to see it's  3 o'clock. I let out a sigh realizing I have to leave soon. I freshen up and find some clothes in the drawers that were somewhat my style.

I grab my phone and check my wrist to ensure the bracelet is still there. Walking over to the window, I silently thank those above that it's on the ground floor, unlocking it and opening it slightly.

Making my way back to the door, I take a deep breath and settle  my mind. It becomes blank but the feeling in my gut doesn't settle, which is nothing new as I've learnt to ignore.  I slightly smile as I feel the familiar mischievous glint in my eye.

I soon leave, making good time, and take one of the bikes in the garage to get around. Once I'm a few minutes from the store, I get off the bike and start walking while dragging it next to me. I clumsily trip over my own feet and bump into a few people.

This continues for a few minutes, few and far between and I end up with 25 dollars. I'm very aware that stealing is bad and whatnot, trust me, but it's proved to be a very useful skill in the past years.

I finally arrive at the target and leave the bicycle outside, hoping it'll be here when I get back. I walk in the store quickly, with my head held high, and pick up a cheap backpack. I quickly pay and leave and thankfully, the bike is still there.

I get back on the bike and head to my next location. There wasn't a very large population here, so everything was very small. It's fairly easy to get where you need to go using a bike because nothing is more than a 45 minute ride.

This was always a huge advantage for me. It was a decent means for transportation 2 years ago. I haven't really used it since then, there was no point.

My legs burning and me practically gasping for breath, I soon come to be in front of the place I never wanted to see again. The door is still busted but the whole house is now abandoned but it's sourrounded by yellow tape. 

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