Chapter 19

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Adelina POV:

Peaceful silence envelopps us. I stare ahead at the water, thinking over my next move. I don't have a clue on what to do anymore. The resentment I hold towards the people I've recently had to share a household with is still going strong as ever. I have no desire to be where I am now and still think it would have been better for me to go someplace else. 

There hasn't been any healing since moving in with them. I'm not one to forgive, especially when they lie to my face about everything and anything. As if I'm some kind of idiot. 

In my peripheral vision I could see the boy a couple feet away. He looks much like I feel. Dead. I've realized I haven't felt alive in quite a while. I've simply been surviving, and how tired I am of it. 

I don't know how long we spent there, practically side by side, just basking in each others' presence. It's dumb how this stranger being here, even if he's not saying anything, is comforting. 

The sun soon starts to set, traces of pink and orange now dancing across the creek.

"It's beautiful," I speak first. 

The boy looks up slightly startled, being lost in his own thoughts.

"It is," he says. 

A few silent seconds pass by. 

"I always come here to think, it's like my own private escape. Well, I guess not so private anymore," he tries to joke. 

Realization soon sets over me. 

"Oh I'm sorry," I mutter while hurrying to stand up "that's a bit rude of me,"

"No, no not at all," he says raising his hands "admittedly, it could get a bit lonely sometimes. I don't mind having you here,"

"I feel like I'm intruding-" I continue.

"It's a wooden bridge over a creek," he cuts me off "it's beauty is to be appreciated. Not hidden,"

I stare down at him as his gaze returns to the water, which is now starting to reflect darkness, and sit back down. 

I find myself wishing I had brought something with me, anything that Danny might've sold me. I can't handle the thoughts that are starting to creep in. Suddenly, as if sensing it, the boy next to me pulls out a pack of smokes.

I watch as he lights one and places it between his plump lips and truly start to take my time to observe what he looks like. His longer dark brown hair is place messily under his beanie. He seems to have a lean structure, probably because he's tall.  

Most likely sensing my stare, he turns to look at me. I become captivated in his dark eyes, never knowing they could be so pretty. He reaches in his pocket, pulls out a cigarette and offers it to me without words. I nod and reach out to grasp it.

Once between my fingertips, I realize I have nothing to light it with. He seems to understand that too as he reaches to grab his lighter. He takes a couple seconds, fumbling with the other items in his pocket, and I start to grow impatient.

Without thinking much about it, I grab his cigarette out of his mouth. He looks at me, his pronounced jaw clenching in confusion, and I simply press the tip of his cigarette to my own. Thus effectively lighting mine. 

I hand him back his cancer stick and he takes it with a smirk. The light brown straight hair that falls to my mid-back sways with the wind as the light breeze increases. I pull my phone from my back pocket. The time reads 11:48. Probably time for me to head back. I stand up and start to make my way until I turn back to thank the boy. 

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