Chapter 10

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Domenico's POV:

"Will that be all?" the barista questions as she taps the screen.

"Yes, thank you"

"Your total is three dollars and ninety-nine cents, you can wait right over there your order will be ready shortly" she says while pointing to the counter.

I pull out my wallet and take out a five dollar bill.

"Keep the change" I say while nodding and walking away. 

I walk over to where the lady indicated, lean on the wall and set the bag  curently resting on my shoulder onto the floor. Aimlessly scrolling through my phone and answering a couple texts, I soon hear my name being called and walk up to the counter to grab my things. 

I give a curt nod to the employee handing me my coffee and food and turn to leave knowing the earful I'm going to get once I get back in the car. 

"What the fuck took so long?" I hear Francesco question as soon as I open the door.

"Long line" I say simply as I sit down and shut the door. 

"You have class today?" I continue.

"No, tomorrow. There's this huge test coming up soon and I'm stressed out of my mind"


"Why's that your solution to everything?"

I turn to him with my eyebrows raised and daring him to continue.

He looks at me for a second before deciding not to add anything more, which is probably for the best.

I start the car and drive towards the office. Francesco and I have always been close. I'm close with all my brothers but Francesco and I have a different understanding with each other.We're the oldest out of our siblings, me being 26 and him being 24, so it's only naturel I guess. 

We grew up fast, had to take care of the people we love . He's my right hand man, the underboss I never wanted him to be.

I was put into a lifestyle I never wanted to be in and Francesco being Francesco came too. Then all the others just naturally followed.

Let's be clear, I resent the fact that I was forced into what I am today but I do not regret it. I would do it time and time again if it meant having what I have today.

"Did I talk to you about the changes that were made to the menu?" Cesco said breaking me out of my thoughts.

 Our family runs chains of hotels and restaurants on the legal spectrum of our businesses. My name is on the paperwork but they pretty much belong to Francesco as he's the one running them. I'm involved in big decisions but my brother's got it handled. 

We speak about several changes he wants to make during the ride before finally making it to the office. Cesco leaves quickly as he has a meeting to attend while I take my time. 

I make my way to the elevator with a blank expression on my face. Nodding quickly to the people who greet me.

Standing in the elevator, I listen to the soft generic music playing in the backround of my thoughts. Waiting a few moments, then elevator doors soon open and I walk to my office nodding again to my secretary. 

Once inside, I release a sigh sitting down and observing the mountains of paperwork I must get through. I pick up my pen, about to start as my phone rings. 

I look over and find the name of the boys' school plastered on the screen and pick up.

It was the secretary informing me that Valerio was not at school.

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