Chapter Five

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You and Bakugo laid on the futon, cuddling with each other. Your hands are holding onto his shirt while you rest your forehead against his chest. His arm rested in the crease of your waist and his other arm propping his head up. It's the second day of the vacation and it's been fantastic.

Your phone started to ring. Bakugo groaned in annoyance and you chuckled, reaching up with one arm to grab it, but Bakugo grabbed your hand before you could reach your phone. You whined, looking up to see Bakugo's sleeping expression.

"What if it's an emergency?" You asked, seeing him open his eyes.

He groaned again, letting go of your hand and he cages you in with his arms. He holds you close to his chest, grumbles and groans leaving his throat in annoyance. You grabbed your phone and answered the call, holding it to your ear.

"Hello?" You asked, leaning into Bakugo's warmth.

"[Name], I can't stop Yuki's crying," Mitsuki said. You could hear the tiredness in her voice and you felt bad. In the background you can hear Nobuyuki crying at the top of his lungs. "What should I do? We did everything you told us, but it's not working."

"Have you tried talking to him to fall asleep?" You questioned. Bakugo moved to lay on his back and you laid against his chest. "Or giving him his favorite baby food?"

"We have, but he keeps crying! I'm sorry to bother you while you're on vacation," Mitsuki said. "Is there anything else we can do to stop his crying?"

"I'm not sure-"

Bakugo grabbed your phone from your grasp and he put it against his ear. You looked at him in confusion, his hand resting on your waist while he gazed into your eyes. You weren't sure what he's going to do, but you didn't protest when he grabbed your phone. He probably has a plan and you know he heard his mother because you have the volume up.

"Put it on speaker," Bakugo ordered, this tone firm.

"You're on speaker," Mitsuki informed.

"Who's that flying across the city? It's Ground Zero on his way to kick your ass! He knows when you're causing trouble, stealing old woman's purses, and making a damn ruckus! He'll put your ass in jail right before he pumples your face in the ground! He's Ground Zero."

You smiled, listening to Bakugo sing his song that someone had made for him and it was released to the public. There's even a age appropriate version too because there's a few cuss words in the original version. You couldn't believe how accurate the song was of Bakugo too. It fits him perfectly.

You heard Nobuyuki's crying cease to nothing and you placed a hand on Bakugo's cheek, looking at him with love, admiration and grateful for him doing that. He isn't one to sing in front of others and even you, but you appreciate him doing that for you. You're glad to see how much Bakugo has matured from high school to now. He's done a good job though he still has a tendency to curse.

"Yuki's asleep. Nice job, Katsuki!" Mitsuki said, whispering. You could hear the relief in her tone. "I didn't want you two to pause your vacation because of me and your father couldn't stop Yuki's crying. Yuki's our little nephew-"

"Grandson," Bakugo corrected.

Mitsuki has a habit of calling Nobuyuki her nephew instead of grandchild or grandson and you don't correct her at all when she called you that one time because you find it funny and cute. Bakugo finds it a bit irritating.

"Grandson, of course! We should be able to handle him perfectly. Just getting used to a baby in the house though. It was years since Katsuki was a little baby, but that was a long time ago. Sometimes I can't believe he—"

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