Chapter Ten

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"You remember to look after your siblings right?" You questioned, a smile on your lips.

"Yes, Mama," Nobuyuki said, nodding his head with tears brimming in his eyes.

You closed your eyes, feeling a warmth spread across your chest despite the sadness that's filled in the room. You laid on a hospital bed, your three kids and husband in the room with you. You've been hospitalized for at least a year because of your health and you've been told by your doctor that you only have a limited of time left on this earth. You knew the days were going to get shorter as the time gets closer and your family not once thinking this would happen.

Haruka and Tamaki cling to their father, holding onto his pant leg as they cried. Bakugo standing there as he is becoming their pillar of support as he does his best to hold a strong and brave face for his children. The sight of you looking so weak and pale on a hospital bed is almost making him break. He never once thought this would happen. Not like this.

"You're going to become the best hero ever, Yuki," you chuckled, your voice soft as you spoke. "You're going to make me and your father proud of you." You looked to your two little ones, seeing them cry loudly as they hug their father. "You two as well if you decide to become heroes. You're going to do wonders in this world."

"[Name]," Bakugo mumbled.

You looked to Bakugo. "I love you, Katsuki."

You watched as Bakugo's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes glistening as he pulled his lips in. His shoulders trembled slightly as his body shook a little bit. You watch as your husband comes undone, his eyes spilling out tears as he covers his mouth with his hand. He lets out quiet sobs, Nobuyuki looking at his father as it's his first time seeing his father cry. Bakugo wipes his mouth with his hand, not bothering to wipe his tears away as he lets out a sniffle and a groan.

"I fucking love you too," Bakugo grumbled, letting out another sniffle.

You started to cry yourself, seeing Bakugo become vulnerable as he cries in front of you openly and he starts crying more. He lets out a bitter laugh, grabbing your hand on the bed and holding it. You had prepared yourself for when the time comes, but seeing your family cry like this is hurtful. You don't want to leave them. You want to see Nobuyuki graduate, Haruka and Tamaki choosing their paths and growing old with Bakugo.

You aren't going to voice that. You know it'll only bring more heartache for them and make them mourn longer for you. Although, they are probably thinking the same thoughts you are. You won't be there physically with them, to see your children grow together, to become grandparents, and to hit that old age with your partner.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki," you sobbed.

Bakguo wiped your tears with his thumb. "Don't be sorry, [Name]. You had a tough battle and you pulled out strong. You just haven't been the same since your last birth."

"We love you, mom!" Haruka and Tamaki sobbed.

They cried into their father's pant legs, gripping the fabric with their hands. Nobuyuki walked to his father side, crying into his father's shoulder and Bakugo used his free hand to hold the back of Nobuyuki's head. You gazed at your family, Bakugo comforting his three kids as they cried for their mother. 

You smiled at Bakugo, tears in your eyes and rolling down your cheeks. "You'll be fine without me, Katsuki. The kids will be okay and everything will turn out fine. This moment right now will be hard for them and over the years it will get easier to deal with it. Just remember that I will always be here for you guys."

"Really?" Tamaki questioned, his [YourEye Color] eyes meeting yours. "How?"

"You won't see me, but I'll always be there," you stated, ruffling Tamaki's [Your Hair Color] hair. "When you gaze up at the stars at night, I will be looking down at you. When the soft breeze comes through, I will be hugging you close and tight. When you are sad, I will be at your side to comfort you."

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