Chapter Eight

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Bakugo closed the front door, resting his head against the door and you're settled on the couch. He placed you on the couch while Nobuyuki runs over to you with tears in his eyes and he throws himself onto you. You ran your hand through Nobuyuki's blonde hair and the boy cries in your chest. You looked over to see Jiro standing there and she looks at you in concern. Though that wasn't your biggest worry. Your biggest worry at the moment is Bakugo.

You could see him standing at the front door still and his back is still facing you. You could only imagine he takes this nice and slow before he starts rising his voice at you. Nobuyuki is here and he understands most of the things you and Bakugo say. You don't want Nobuyuku to see the two of you raising your voices at each other.

Bakugo looks over his shoulder, his gaze locking onto yours. You were expecting him to look at you with anger in his eyes, but the emotion in his eyes are calm or that's what you see. You glanced over at Jiro and it seems she read your mind because she walks over to you to grab Nobuyuki.

"Can you guys go for a walk please?" You asked, gazing at your friend and son.

"Sure thing, [Name]," Jiro said.

Jiro holds Nobuyuki's hand and she walks to the front door while Nobuyuki looks at you in concern still. He doesn't complain about going along with Jiro, but you could see it in his eyes that he wants to stay. Bakugo steps away from the front door, but he doesn't look away from you at all. You could see that you're in a shit load of trouble with him.

Jiro and Nobuyuki walk out the house and when the door closes behind them, all hell breaks loose. You weren't expecting Bakugo to get so heated that smoke rise from the palm of his hands. You could hear the tiny explosions coming from his hands and you knew his anger wasn't really directed at you sort of. He was more so angry at himself for having you get hurt.

"Why the fuck did you engage him!" Bakugo yelled, raising his voice.

"I wanted to help you guys!" You yelled back. The familiar sting in your eyes rose and Bakugo stood on the other side of the coffee table. "I thought that I would be able to put at least some damage into him to make it a little easier on you guys!"

At this point, you and Bakugo are just raising your voices. The anger is taking over you and Bakugo that you are somewhat barely hearing what he is saying and he's the same. You fear that either one of you are going to regret saying something bad about the other and you know that Bakugo is just simply looking out for you. He's not really upset at you, but more so concerned and worried for you.

"You should have not butt in! If you didn't then I wouldn't have to fucking worry about you being dead or alive or even being fucking targeted that dipshit villain!" Bakugo yelled, you could see the white in his knuckles from how tight he's clenching his fists. "Do you have any idea how fucking concerned I was!"

"Do you know how concerned I was!" You yelled, standing up from the couch. "Fearing that Yuki would grow up without a fucking father! Fearing I would lose you during that fucking battle! Fearing that I would see your dead body on the ground as you tried to fucking save us all!"

Your body screamed at you to sit down and rest, but your anger and frustration is making you pursue. You stood in front of Bakugo, glaring at him and feeling your face burn in anger. You bumped his chest with your own, as if challenging him to continue with his reasoning to be upset because you weren't having it. You weren't about to let him get mad at you without hearing your own reasoning.

"I wanted to help you guys because I could tell you're struggling!" You cried, the tears rolling down your cheeks. You gripped his hero costume in your hands as you leaned your head against his chest. "I was so afraid of thinking you, Todoroki, and Midoriya were going to die and have All For One win. I was more afraid of the thought of you dead and leaving me by myself."

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