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A deep sigh escapes Arabella's mouth when she gets a hold of the glass of water in her hands. The world she's living in now doesn't have any ice for sale in any store, they went to town weeks ago. Although the townspeople don't seem to like her, because of her, having a son out of wedlock, there are still a few people that don't seem prejudice against her. The kind stall owner told Arabella that spring just started so there are no stores that will be able to sell ice for a few more months.

Arabella, heave another sigh when she drank a full glass of warm water. Her eyes went towards the door, where she can see Blaine watering the plants.

"Hey, kid! Come inside already!" she shouted, Blaine quickly turn his head where she is.

"I'm fine mother! I'll just finish this!" the lively kid answered with a smiling face, a kid who can already talk straight without stuttering, a kid who can already read and write, a handsome kid who can quickly and clearly remember things with just one glance. What can she do? she made him a perfect male lead in her novel.

His sweaty and now turning red face, made Arabella glared at the kid. Blaine felt a chill down his spine and immediately let go of the watering can and sprinted towards where his mother was standing.

"Go eat your lunch already, also drink plenty of water. It seems like summer will start soon. This scorching day might get us a heatstroke. We'll stop for today's kid. Make sure after eating, rest, and shower." Arabella said while sitting down to eat with Blaine.

When the two of them are already settled in front of their meals, Blaine suddenly opened his mouth and said something that got Arabella stiffens.

"Mother, I hope until I grow old, we'll always eat together like this." His words struck her hard when she already decided that she'll leave him soon, the moment the old butler see him.

"Ye-yeah, of course, kid, we'll always eat together...just like this."

"Oh! Mother! Mushroom soup, my favorite!" Blaine happily uses his spoon and scoops the soup and put it into his mouth. Arabella suddenly frowned when she realized something. Blaine saw her frowning face that made him ask her.

"What's the wrong mother?"

"I shouldn't have cook mushroom soup in this scorching weather *sigh* if we only have ice and refrigerators. I can make Ice cream."

"Did you say, something mother?"

"No, nothing. Just finish your meal. After that, we'll go marinate some chicken to fry later for dinner."

"Yes, mother!"

After eating, the two of them went to the kitchen and chopped the chicken, Arabella was glad that the different spices she loved can be bought in any stores in town. The only thing that she wasn't able to buy in this world she got into was pasta and tomato sauce. Arabella sigh, while chopping some garlic for their marinade. She really misses cooking and eating spaghetti, it's her all-time favorite.

"Mother, what's wrong?" the sudden question of Blaine that's helping her prepare for their dinner, startled her. These days, she's trying to let the thought of having a son sink into her. Also letting the situation sink into her, that she's not alone anymore, that Blaine won't betray her like how she got betrayed by her own family that turned into her adoptive family.

"I was just thinking, about growing tomatoes kid, and also making some pasta for tomorrow's breakfast." Her reply to Blaine's question got them quiet for a few seconds. When she looks beside her, to see why she didn't hear any words from Blaine, she saw his gloomy face looking at the chicken that's on the table.

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