Chapter 2

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We walked together to the dining room and I have to say, Atlas is the exact opposite of Axel personality wise. He is kind, talks a lot more than Axel and is just a blast. Whereas Axel seems to like scowling. He's been wearing a poker face since I met him, yesterday or today...I'm not sure about what day it currently is.

We walked towards a pair of transparent, glass french doors. You could see groups of men and women chatting as they had their lunch or dinner from the multiple tables.

We walked through the doors which automatically opened for us and to my dismay, everyone immediately turned their attention to us and stopped all their chit chatting, just to look at us...well specifically me, curiously.

I could feel all the eyes burning into me in curiousity, making my eyes turn to the floor as I nervously look down at the suddenly interesting floor. It was made of plain white, like a huge tile made up the whole floor, at least the floor I could cover from facing down.

A man suddenly cleared his throat, silently demanding that all attention be on him before calmly directed," As you were." And just like that, everyone in the dining hall turned around and continued with their business.

The sound of footsteps heading in our direction distantly sounded as the room continued their chatter started. Curiousity genuinely settled into my stomach making me look up to find a tall, bulky man standing in front of us. He stood just as Axel, tense and perfectly straight. He radiated such an intimidating, strong aura that demanded respect, making me avoid any form of eye contact with him.

"Commander." Said Axel as calm as always.

"Lieutenant Bright," He stiffly nodded, tight lipped at Axel before looking at Aurora," Lieutenant Bright," Then at Atlas," Technician Bright." He addressed before his eyes over fleeted to me. Gathering all my courage, I looked him in the eyes," Lady Bright."

I swear my eyes nearly popped out of my eye sockets at hearing that form of address, but I held them in as I tried to keep my features neutral as the others, even as my heart vigorously pounded in nervousness in my chest.

He moved his gaze away from me, making me nearly sigh in relief as he faced Aurora," How is the technical department operating, Lieutenant? I hope it's operating smoothly." He asked.

Aurora gave a curt nod before calmly answering," It's running smoothly, Commander. My team is doing the best it can."

The Commander gave a nod in approval before speaking in his cold, deep, muscular voice," As it should." He then turned to Axel and gave him a stiff nod, but their eyes seemed to communicate for a second longer before he turned around and walked away with such grace, making the floor seem unworthy of him.

"Now shall we eat, I'm starving, as you humans say." Said Atlas.

"Agreed," Aurora agreed," Let's go find a seat." She enthusiastically chimed before wrapping arms with me and guiding me to one of the tables, with Axel following closely being us.

These people are so odd, well maybe it's because they aren't exactly people. They act as if the scariest man in the universe had not just addressed them less than five minutes ago.

We found a round table that accommodates four people in side of the room where two bencheswere placed on the opposite sides of the table, making it look more like the setting of a restaurant rather than one of a cafeteria.

I sat down on the silver chair with its white pillow and just about almost moaned in contentment at the soft feel of the chair slash booth. It was so soft and warm, it was like sitting on a cloud, as if I've ever sat on one. All I know is, this chair was the most comfortable chair I've ever sat on.

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