Chapter 6

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With a yawn, I stretched my arms as I hung my legs at the edge of the bed.

I slipped on my black pumps then got off the comfy bed. Looking around the empty room, I felt a bit disappointed, I really do enjoy Axel's company plus today is the first day I've been left alone in the bedroom.

With a sigh, I made my way to the bathroom for a well needed shower and to release my tension from my compressed bladder.


Taking the towel from where it was hung, I wrapped it around my body, for it to reach just an inch above my knees.

Making my way to the cabinet, I swiped my hand against the scanner, opening it instantly. There were now two bottles of lotion, the same black one with something written on it in letters I did not know, which belonged to Axel and a purple one with flowers, I've never seen before decorating the bottle, also written in letter or words I've never seen. I guess this one's for me.

With a shrug, I reached for Axel's one. It might be men's lotion but it smells great and manly, a scent I happen to love.

I closed the cabinet before walking to the counter by the basin and placing the bottle on it. Unwrapping my towel, I placed it on the counter before taking the bottle and squeezing lotion some onto my palm before smearing it in my hand and applying it to my body.

I did this a couple of times more until I had leathered my entire body with lotion, leaving it smooth and moisturised. Luckily I don't have an armpit problem so I don't have to worry too much about not having put on deodorant.

Taking my towel since it's dry, I wrapped it around my body again before walking to the door and walking out of the bathroom.

Sighing I quietly asked myself," What to wear now?"

With a sigh, I walked to the red couches at the corner of the room just to look around the already familiar room and satisfy my slight boredom, something I think I should have grown accustomed to a long time ago.

Looking to the left, I was faced with the room, actually kitchen that Axel came from last time. I didn't even notice that the door had been open all this time.

Walking to the entrance, I immediately spotted Axel's white shirt, covered back. He seemed to be looking for something in the cabinet.

"Hello Darling, how did you sleep?" He suddenly asked, without even turning around, taking me slightly by surprise. How did he even know I was here.

"Hello, "I greeted back as I walked to him," How did you know I was here? I barely made a sound." I asked as I stood next to his busy figure.

"Good hearing and instinct, my Love." He answered, before turning to me with a small smile.

"Are you better than us in everything?" I asked with a smile as I tilted my head to the side a I looked up at him.

"My apologies, but we indeed are." He chuckled before asking," May I receive a kiss?"

With a small smile, I gave him a nod.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, something I am very fond of, especially with our interesting height difference.

He made sure I was at his exact height before leaning in and placing a couple of butterfly kisses on the side of my neck.

"Are, "He kissed my neck," You," Another kiss," Aware," Kiss," That," Kiss," I," Kiss," Already," Kiss," Have," Kiss," A deep regard for you." He looked at me, before leaning in and stealing a soft kiss from my lips. He started nibbling on my bottom lip before leaning in even closer and pressing our lips together. After a few seconds, he moved away and smiled at me, his eyes now a beautiful dark blue with the silver from around his iris molding with the rest of the ocean blue iris as specks in his eyes, streaks actually that whirled in his pupils, making them look so gorgeous.

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