25| I don't Care about Him

21.1K 1.4K 85

Started on 9th September 2020.
Completed on 11th September 2020.
Word count : 3000 words

- A Y A A N -

After the party got over, without any talks and fights we sat in the car. It was around twelve in night. Midnight we call it. Numerous lights were visible on the road, as the capital doesn't care about the time. Everytime you come out you'll see atleast ten vehicles running on the road. As soon as her head touched the headrest, she fell asleep.

Why does she look so beautiful?

I remember the time when we first met at the age of four. She was always in the character of the student who bullies her classmates and becomes an obedient child in front of teacher. In short she was moody!

Seeing her for the first time I liked her but after knowing more about her I envied her. And why shouldn't I?

Once she ate a classmate's lunch and threw the blame on me. Teacher believed her cause she was the class monitor and so called well-behaved obedient student.

I decided to take all my revenge from her of what she did to me in childhood. Not only me, she made every child's living a hell. First- she always bullied all our colleagues. Second- she remained in the shoes of a smart child, forcing other children's parents to think of her as an ideal role model for their children.

But who knows what happened to her afterwards. She slowed down all her bullying and finally ended it. She was always a quite child filled with anger but till the age of ten she became a peace loving human.

Who knows what changed her for good?

By the age of fourteen she became my number one enemy. I always teased her, taunting her about her chubby cheeks. Not that she was unhealthily obese. I always irritated her but she was like she didn't knew what she did in the past. How could she forget the way she always pushed me into trouble?

Her cheeks were always chubby in childhood which made her look cute no matter how hard weight loss she tried. I started calling her a pig.


Because she always ate, studied and slept. Just like a pig!

But she's now my pig!

I wonder how much she starved in these nine years which made her lose those chubby cheeks. Still she has her chubby cheeks but not the way she had a decade ago.

But as per what I've seen, she never starves. Instead she eats to her contentment, not that I complain. It's good that she's not compromising her health.

By the time we reached home, she was sleeping keeping her head on my shoulder. If she was awake, she wouldn't have had done that!

I tried to wake her up but she being Divya was already in her Dreamland. Waking her up at this time would be a sin, according to her. So without wasting a single minute I carried her into her room and made her sleep on the bed.

I turned back to go but the thought struck my mind- Aren't makeup meant to be wiped before sleeping?

Of course! It would harm her skin.

But I don't even know how to wipe the makeup off.

Maybe Google would work!

Without wasting time I searched for it and after getting a suitable answer I quickly wiped the makeup off her face. She looked really beautiful and cute while sleeping. Not able to resist I kissed on her lips. Being really tired after all this day, not even capable of walking to my room, so slept in the same room.

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