27| 30 days of her Leave

20.6K 1.3K 65

Started writing on 17th September 2020.
Competed on 17th September 2020.
Word count : 2560 words.

– A Y A A N –

It's been four days Divya pledged to catch the culprit. She's running around, finding the clue about the cheater. She's eating and sleeping less and is busy in running around here and there.

She should atleast take care of her health. Who told her to eat less?

"I found the culprit!" Divya barged into my office and shouted. Did she really found the culprit? I was behind it too but wasn't able to find the cheater. And she?? She's really extraordinary.

"Who? And when was it done?" I seriously don't remember when the plan was stolen.

"I don't know about it but I've found the cheater. You want to know or what?" She shouted.

"Alright. But where is he?"

"It's she not he."

"Woman?" I asked.

"Of course. She is used for women. I've never heard someone denoting a man as she." She became irritated.

"Where is she? I'll fire her."

"You can't fire her." She stated. But why can't I fire her? "She's not from A&C."

"Then who is she? And where is she?" But she didn't answered, "Where are you dragging me?" I asked when she started to drag me.

"To meet her, as she's related to you, not me." She said and dragged me until we reached our car. Who is the culprit? And why did she do it? Divya remained silent in the drive, and I kept asking her who is she?

"Divya! I'll have an heart attack. Please don't create suspence." She stopped the car in front of a hotel and came out of the car. I followed her.

"Janine Smith!" She said to the receptionist. What? What would she do with the designing plan? Her family business is related to hotels! "Must be thinking how is she related to the matter?" How did she know? Is she omniscient?

"Yes." I said.

"Follow me. I'll show you what's happening." She took the room card from the receptionist and started walking. Without thinking, I followed her. She slided the card into the lock and the gate opened in a second. Janine was there, sitting on the sofa, painting her nails and talking on her phone.

"Excuse me but.....may I come in?" Divya said.

"You both, here? How did you enter here?" Janine asked and Divya showed the card. "How can they give you the card? Isn't it violating the privacy?"

"That's what I'm asking you. How can you invade other's privacy?" Divya said.

"When did I?" Janine said.

"May I know who stole the plan of designing project?"

"How would I know?"

"Wasn't it you?"

"Why would I?"

"That's what I'm asking. Why did you stole it? You're born with silver spoon, still not satisfied!"

"Do you have any proof?"

"Proof?" Divya took out her phone and showed a photo to Janine. 

"Who's he?" I asked.

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