28| Him being sorry

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Started on 19th September 2020.
Competed on 21st September 2020.
Word count : 3634 words

- D I V Y A -

The world tour was awesome, beautiful and amazing. But it wasn't fully a work-free leave as I met Mr Park by chance. How many hometowns does he have? He's present everywhere. Is he having Doraemon's anywhere door? He asked me to work on the project. Who would tell him that I'm on a leave!

I pity Ayaan. He liked Janine but she used him for business matters. I can't even tell, how he must have felt.

After coming back to my country I straightaway went to the same house where I live. I opened the gate slowly as it was one at night. Pure silence in the air.

I tiptoed into the house and closed the door silently, not wanting to wake him up. I left without meeting anyone, just writing the message on sticky note. Hope he handled everything. I went inside the kitchen to drink water but Ayaan surprised me, he was standing inside probably cooking something. But who cooks at this time? "What are you doing at this time?" I asked.

"Nothing. Cooking." He answered. He had some beard grown on his face. Not some but a thick layer. Did he forget to shave?

"Why are you acting like a dead man?" I asked.

"How should I act then? I know you're not real. You're just my imagination. Just go back before it becomes worse." He said. Me in his imagination? Who knows what he's thinking. I took a bottle out from the refrigerator and drank it. "How did the fridge open and the bottle...? Are you real?" He asked. What nonsense is he saying.

"No I'm the ghost of Divya." I said wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and turning to move out of the kitchen.

"You're really here." He turned me back and hugged me. What's with him? If I won't be here then where? He kissed me on forehead and settled his head over mine. "Why didn't you inform before coming? I would have picked you up."

"Huh? I have two legs and money for cab." I said and tried to free myself.

"I'm sorry." He said and I freezed in my position. Why is he saying sorry? What is he sorry about?

"For what?"

"For thinking wrong about you. I shouldn't have said that about Aman and you." Is he really sorry about such a thing? I literally forgot what he said and here he is extremely sorry.

Aman told me about Anubhav proposing him, though I wasn't present there but seeing how happy he was, it must have had gone happily. But the laws in our country won't allow them to marry! Either they won't be able to marry or they have to shift abroad to a country where marrying the same gender is legal.

Should I use this situation for my own benifit? Well, I can. I can make him do what I want. This way I could teach him a lesson for how he ruined my teenage. I never understood why he always taunted me and made my life a living hell. He bullied me. Not physically but emotionally. Can anyone think how a girl feels when someone constantly calls her fat? Were we enemies in our past lives?

"Could you forgive me?" He asked, his chin still over my head. I want to laugh but I can't.

"Sorry but I can't." I politely refused and he moved away from me.

"Please. I'm really sorry." He said. His eyes were shining with hope. I remained quit to enjoy the situation. "Alright. If you won't forgive me like this then you can punish me." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

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