Fathom in the Sea/Moon in the Night

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I don't own Wings of Fire. If I did......

*dramatic sigh*

                                                                                     Fathom in the Sea

Fathom took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Darkstalker and Clearsight were safe. His friends were safe. That crazy RainWing was asleep, with all her crazy friends and his look alike.

The more Fathom thought about it, the more it bothered him. The Icewing had said some peculiar things, and the Skywing looked so smokey.

"You alright, Fathom?" Said Datkstalkers voice from behind him. Fathom grinned wryly. "I should be asking you that, Darkstalker."

Darkstalker's gaze fell to the asleep Dragonets on the floor.

"That Icewing looks vaguely like....Arctic." Darkstalker Said the name like it was a goat that didn't particularly taste good, in fact it was poisoned.

Fathom hadn't really noticed that, but when he looked closer he realized the Icewing did look like the grumpy animus. But why? And how did he get here, along with the strangest entourage ever?

Clearsight landed beside them, twining her tail around Darkstalker. They sat in silence for a few moments, hearing a slight patter of rain against the roof.

"When I saw the dragonets.." Started Clearsight slowly, awakening Fathom from his thoughts, "I saw a lot of futures changing."

"Like what?" Questioned Darkstalker, concerned.

"I saw....a lot of blood. And war, and fighting. Nothing too new. But this time.......with something else."

"What?" Asked Fathom, nervous.

Clearsight squinted. "I'm...not sure. It's like a dream, the more I think about it the more vague it seems."

Fathom was about to answer when the dragonets started to stir.

"Come on." Said Darkstalker. "Their waking up."


Moonwatcher, help.

Moon jumped. It couldn't be....

Darkstalker? She thought uncertainly.

Yes, help me. Follow....my voice....

Moon wandered through the rainforest, dodging trees and stepping over branches, until she reached a cave.

I'm here.

Come inside! Darkstalker's voice sounded so pleading, so innocent....

No! She couldn't give in. He's just trying to manipulate you, Moon....don't let him.

But there was his voice, pleading and sad and hurt, like he just needed a friend.


She stepped inside the cave, and lit by a torch, was Darkstalker himself.

Help, take my tAlOn. Please, don't-don't leave me again. I just....want another chance, please I beg you...

She reached for his talon, as his expression shifted. A sinister grin spread across his face like poison, scales turning black completely, not a touch of star. His eyes narrowed to slits and his teeth grew sharper. Huge figures slithered from behind him.

Dragonbite vipers.

But they didn't get a chance at Moon, because then there was shadow, and she screamed as it took her and sunk her into its blackness.

Moonwatcher jolted awake to the smiling face of Clearsight the Nightwing.


That was creepy.

Sorry, just trying my best to hold on to a nightmare vibe. This story needs a plot, right?

Anyhow, I hope this satisfies you! Until next time!


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