Clearsight in the Future

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Wings of Fire, the holy book series Tui has graced us with. May God/The Gods save us from the excruciating pain of having to wait for the next Wings of Fire book.
Amen, and I don't own Wings of Fire.


Clearsight in the Future

There was some obvious tension as the dragonets slept.

Clearsight had given Moon, Winter, and Qibli a room, and it had been weird, though she wasn't sure why.

Moon and Qibli were obviously in love, but Winter seem to gaze at them, almost in...regret? Disappointment? Anger? The standoffish IceWing had long since been sleeping, and so had the others, but Clearsight sat in her bed of moss with a sigh.

So many futures had clouded her brain. So many different thing had crossed her mind, edging on like they were spears, then disappearing like mist or a dream. The only thing she could remember was a dragon...his sinister, shark like grin permanently carved onto her mind.

As she lay, unable to sleep, she tried to come to terms with what had happened. Dragons from the future and basically blown up in her face, and three of them were living with her. Another set of three looked like fighters; not exactly talkers. Especially the Skywing, Peril.

As she dwelled on her thoughts, a quiet rustling alerted her of a presence awake. She attempted to look asleep, and the stranger turned out to be Moon. She had a scroll in her talon and she was heading for the entrance to outside. She quickly headed out and Clearsight, curios, followed her.

Moon was curled up on the grass, beside the pine tree. A paper scroll was rolled out in front of her, and her teardrop scales glowed in the light of the crescent moons.

She's...reading. Clearsight realized. She must of gone out to clear her head.

The clouds shifted, and suddenly Moon's face was clearer in sight (pun intended). As Clearsight saw her expression, a vision tumbled into her thoughts and she collided with the floor in pain. What the?!...

Her vision was blurry as Moon perked up and saw Clearsight on the floor. She faintly saw her small frame huddled over her, but pictures of unfamiliar dragons and words marched into her head.

Unaccountable words she didn't know flowed through her mouth, but she barely heard them. Something like pain, time, fire, and power. The rest were mumbles of strange things she could not hear.

She felt herself losing consciousness. What was happening?

Before she blacked out, she saw one last image: That sinister, grinning dragon from her last vision.

It seems to be working. It said, It seems to be working, quite well.


*crawls out of dusty coffin* *screeches at sunlight*

Man, I'm just leaving you guys to rot. Sorry not sorry.

Have a good day. I'm so exhausted! School sucks.


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