Chapter 14

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Y/n POV~

"I'm bored~" I heard jungkook slur for the 7th time this morning. I look over to where he is laid from the kitchen doorway only to see him now upside down challenging taehyung at who could balance the longest. The smallest of laughter leaves my throat while watching the two slide down from the cushions and onto the floor.

"should we go out onto the lake. It's good weather" namjoon calls out from behind me

'when did he get there' forgetting I'm blocking the doorway the much taller man moves to rest his arms against the doorframe above my head while peering over myself.

At this point I was way to used to being around them.

I duck under Namjoons arm back into the kitchen to where Seokjin or should I now say Jin was cooking.

They have been here a month and surprisingly time just seemed to pass by. It feels like only yesterday jimin and I talked and days after they all officially agreed that I would be more friends than their temporary landlord. We've had more days out and many days in and by now I had grown closest to Jin ssi and hoseok ssi.
I had joined them for more meals and cooking for them myself and the few movie nights that became a sleepover in the living room only these times I picked a floor seat.

I've become so comfortable it's unreal, it feels more like a dream that any moment now I would be waking up and the countless memories I hold would be nothing more than my imagination.

But it's not. Thankfully.

"Jin-ssi could we make a picnic then?" using what I've learnt best from the youngers of the group, puppy eyes. I could almost feel myself pout while questioning the cook in front of me.

of course its a yes.

I can hear the padding of feet against the floor indicating the other had heard and was going to get ready.

The lake isn't fancy as such but with the few kiyaks and children's remote controlled water toys including the wide space of the back garden. A clam day out at home sounds most relaxing.


Third POV~

The simple breeze helping push the handmade paper boats alone the water line as both taehyung and jungkook raced them along, the only sounds to be heard besides the chatter from the three seated. They watched as hoseok and jimin paddled around the lake in a shared mini boat.

Jin, y/n and not so much namjoon had set up the picnic, several plates of food made up and most probably more cooking inside. while Yoongi had found a lounge chair and taken it into the shade.

It was a beautiful day.

"COME AND EAT!" Jin shouted, just loud enough for the boys on the lake to hear. They all rushed over as though the food would disappear. Which it practically did. After everyone decided to remain on dry land y/n found a safe spot away from the open space to sit and attempt to finish her work.

Her back turned to the others so she couldn't been seen as Jin had argued about her not doing because it was a 'day off'

Her attention is soon bought over to a figure. Namjoon. His full attention on something on the other side of the wall.

Soon leaning. Then balancing. Then holding on to the mossed ground for what little stabilisation he had left.

'hes going to fall!'

'hes going to fall!'




how many times did she repeat herself in her head before realising she had already leaped into action. 

"NAMJOON!! WATCH OUT" her arms coming to wrap around the falling man as impact was soon made.


All eyes turned, soon followed by the rush of bodies clambering over to the two soaked in Lake water.


Y/n POV~

"ARE YOU STUPID?!!!" I screamed out while pulling the boy to stand, his eyes focused on the water reaching half way up his shins then trailing up to where  bloodied cuts stretched across my knees and arm.


"I'm sorry I-I just didn't w-want it to be lost and I didn't mean to" his voice shakes as he speaks for the first time I hear his voice stutter almost like a mumble.

I look behind him and see one of the smaller toy boats that the maknae must have forgotten about.

A toy. He was worried about a toy.

I bring my hands up to reach his face, tiptoeing to cover the difference in height and wipe the single tear that dared to leave his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't of shouted.. b-but what if you had gotten hurt t-then what.. " oh crap now I'm crying. I quickly retract my hands and cover my face using my dripping hair to shield them from worry. I was too late.

Hoseok rushes into the water and I feel myself picked up, instinctively I wrap my arms around his neck, scared if he was to drop my body and hide whatever horrid look I have on my face.

I can feel the others eyes on myself as I'm taken away, shiving slightly but nonetheless keeping in mind I'm not exactly walking myself back into the house.

"s-sorry" I barely manage whisper out. I felt guilty for causing such chaos but I couldnt just let him fall.

Atleast I know he's not hurt. I'd feel more guilty than scared if I hadn't done something.

I push myself away from hoseoks chest only slightly, his somewhat angered gaze meeting my sincerely apologetic smile I flash him as I feel his grip tighten. I try to peer over his shoulder but give up and settle back into his chest as I let myself be carried.

I listen to the commotion behind us, jinssi shouting like his parent self at namjoon while dragging the one in trouble in feat of the others who were scurrying to catch up, leaving maybe a metre if that to let hoseok lead.

Jungkook making his way into my line of sight as he holds open the doors in our way I could see he was upset but...

The question was.. Where exactly was he taking me

Slightly earlier update so I can go to sleep early since I have to wake up at 6am to go to college 😭

I was tempted to double update but I feel like I have a bit of writers block coming on 😅✌🏻👀

I hope you are enjoying the story so far~~ see you all in 2 days 💜

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