Cooper - Schlatt's sister Pt 1

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PAIRING: Cooper x F-Reader

Warning: you've smoked weed in this.. only mentioned briefly x

Words: 2.4k


It was coming up to your birthday. Usually you weren't too fussed about your birthday, sure it was nice seeing friends and family and being blessed with the gifts you got. But this year was the most you had been excited for in your life. Your brother, Schlatt, had arranged you to go and stay with him for two weeks in California, where he had moved in with his online friendship group nearly a year ago. You had been checking off the days on your calendar as they went by and finally the day arrived. You said farewell to your family and headed off to Cali. Though the flight was long, you couldn't sleep. As soon as you landed you got a text from Schlatt,

"Will be late, sorry!" You just rolled your eyes, not surprised that he wasn't on time. But soon enough you heard your name being called and your crazy older brother striding towards you,

"Y/n!" He cheered excitedly, bringing you into a tight hug which you returned gratefully.

Within seconds he was rambling to you, asking questions about your family and things you had gotten up to since he last saw you. As soon as you got back to his apartment, you fell asleep.

The next two days you spent together, he took you shopping and bought you so many things you knew would never fit into your suitcase. Your 3rd day in San Diego was your birthday, he took you out for a meal and gave you even more presents.

The day after, Schlatt told you he had to record some videos in the house he shared with his friends, to which he invited you along to see the place and meet everyone. You had only seen the house through the facetimes with Schlatt and videos Lunch Club had uploaded. You walked through the front door of the place, Schlatt greeted the group in front of you in a communal eating area, most of them waving slightly or smiling back. As you walked past the group one caught your eye. He was more tan than the others around him, shaggy blond hair, and a skater boy vibe to his whole outfit – but it was a good look on him. He caught your eye and smiled, his grin lifting up on one side slightly more than the other. Your cheeks flushed and quickly moved your eyes to your brother who had reached the door to his office, showing you his set up.

"Schlatt, we're about to head online, you going to message Wilbur and see if he'd still joining us?" A tall blond guy quizzed as he stood in the doorway of the room, smiling at you,

"Yeah sure Carson, I'll be on in a few" Schlatt replied, picking his phone up "oh um, y/n, you can go chill out in the living room or outside, you're welcome eat whatever you can find in the kitchen – actually scratch that, don't eat anything in the kitchen because I have no clue how much of it has weed in" he laughed, making you roll your eyes.

"Okay, I wont rummage" you chuckled, giving him a small smile as you left the room.

You walked back down to the communal area, seeing only a couple of Schlatts friends still there. You took a deep breath, trying to push down any anxiety you had. They're friends with my brother, so I should get along with them fine.. right?

"Hi!" You cheered quietly, making the two boys there look from the TV to you with welcoming smiles.

"Hi! You're Schlatt's sister y/n, right" the one who wore rounded glasses and had legs that took over the entire sofa said, "I'm Ted. That's Travis" he pointed towards the newly named boy, whose smile was soft and looked incredibly cosy in his hoodie.

"I am yeah, do you mind if I come and sit in here with you while my brother records?" you didn't want to over step since it was their place as well, but your question was just met with a swift nod from Ted.

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