Where/How They Find You Sleeping:

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January 2021 update: Used to include Carson, now removed for obvious reasons.

Cooper: In the passenger seat

You were coming back from a weekend away with Cooper, it doing both of you some good being away from the pressure of your internet lives and just be with each other. Cooper was driving and lightly singing along with the random songs that came up on the radio, enjoying the light breeze through his hair from the window as from the corner of his eye he saw the sky begin to change colours as the sun set.

"Y/n look!" he cheered excitedly, taking quick glances from the road to watch the colours deepen and fade into more.

After hearing no comment or movement from you, he turned his head. His lips curling up on one side as he took in your sleeping state, feeling himself lightly chuckle at how cute you were. Your head was tilted towards him, leaning against the head rest with your lashes led on your cheeks, your body curled into itself slightly as your arms wrapped around your own waist with your torso adorning Cooper's hoodie you had stolen before you left. He reached his hand over, lightly brushing your face and moving some hair that had fallen, tucking it behind your ear before his eyes were back to the road.

He then reached over and turned the radio down slightly, knowing to keep some noise in the background but not wanting it to be too much to wake you.


Schlatt: On his shoulder

You loved to watch Schlatt edit, loved being the first one to see the videos and laugh along with him as he showed you clips he had to cut out because he messed up and broke character or just didn't fit with the rest of the video. He'd bought a headphone splitter just for you, so you could have your own set of headphones on to hear the clips as he did.

You were sat in the racer chair next to him, one knee bent and a foot on the chair as you rested your chin on yourself. Headset on and smiling to yourself as you caught Schlatt in the corner of your eye sticking his tongue out in concentration as he focused hard on one clip.

Soon you felt your eyes getting heavy, you'd had a busy day and it was finally catching up to you. Naturally, your head went to rest on Schlatt's shoulder that was the perfect height for you. And with habit, he tilted his head slightly to press a kiss to your forehead – expecting you to be awake still but just wanting to be close as usual.

It wasn't until about 10 minutes later when Schlatt was finishing up, re-watching through the whole video to check it all before queueing it on his channel, that he even noticed you were asleep. He'd asked you,

"What you do think of it?"

As he always did when you were there, wanting your honest opinion that you always gave. But after receiving no reply he turned his head again to see why you didn't respond. His eyes then rolled and smile grew as he was met with your eyelids rather than your pupils as he was expecting. Carefully he lifted your head off of his shoulder and back so it was leaning on the spine of your chair. He then went back and saved the video and removed his headset before he was standing.

"Y/n?" he spoke lightly, removing the set of headphones from you and placing them on his desk. His fingers going to your face and thumb lightly stroking your cheek – the contract enough to wake you from your slumber.

Slowly your eyes opened, a tired but loving grin pulling your cheeks up as your eyes met his. "You finished?" you asked through a yawn, arms stretching above your head.

Schlatt chuckled and nodded, "Yes sweetheart, let's go have a nap before we get dinner started, hey?"

Your grin grew again, yourself nodding this time as your arms reached out to grab his.

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