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"Geez, I wonder what's taking so long" a kakushi whined annoyingly as he roamed around his designated place.

All he heard from all day long was the chirping of birds and crickets. The sound of the waterfall nearby made him want to swim and go to the bathroom yet he couldn't do all of it. It was driving him insane.

"Why the hell is that hashira taking so long?! Times of the essence!" He cried out his thoughts, gripping the random rock he picked up. "Please don't tell me that Tokito-sama got distracted again?!"

His panic only grew worse as the sun was beginning to go down more the mountains. It would only be minutes until the evening come and darkness would stretch out the land.

"Please hurry up! I don't wanna be eaten by demons!" He panicked at every single thing that crunched or made a sound.

Throwing away the rock he held, he huffed and rubbed his cold hands together and slipping them under his mask to blow his hot breathe on it.

A chill goes down his spine as darkness was all he could see. He couldn't risk lighting his lamp as it was like he had a tag on his head saying 'free food, come get it. It's fresh'.

Sighing, he had no choice but to light it as it was the only way the pillar could see him. "Damn it all. . . "He grumbled as he lit his lamp.

Looking ahead, his eyes widen as six eyes meet his two one's.

"A-a. . . D-demon. . .!!" He stuttered nervously, his face paling as he continued staring at its eyes.

". . . Hello" the demon greets blandly. It's voice deep yet in a whisper.

Before the kakushi could even know it, the demon had already knocked him unconscious and falls to the ground along with the lamp who then rolled away as it landed on the ground.

"Oh my Kokushibou-dono~ you act too rashly. You should've scared him first~" Douma cooed as he steps into the light as he fanned himself with a golden fan designed with lotuses. His rainbow eyes glancing at the rolling lamp.

Turning to Kokushibou, His lips pulled a small mischievous grin, his small fangs showing. "If you did, I would've been the one to 'save' him" he continued, glancing at the unconscious male.

"But. . . I did scare him. . ." Kokushibou mumbled as he stared at the unconscious boy before glancing to the blonde demon. His eyes seemingly to glow on the dark.

Douma frowns playfully and snaps his fan close, "You didn't scare enough Kokushibou-dono! It should be like he would cry and try to run away you know~" he says and begins to carry the boy up by the hair.


The two males halts and stared at where the direction came from. "Did you hear that, Kokushibou-dono?" Douma asks the long haired male who nodded in response.

Shrugging, Douma only huffed. "I guess it was just a human-

"Oy! Shut up already, let's get outta here before Muzan-sama gets angry" Akaza grumbled, landing beside them with a quiet thump whilst glancing at the lamp and noticing a mint green color near the lamp.

Kokushibou's eyes slightly widens at the statement, "Ok, let us hurry then" He quickly says and turns away.

Douma sweat drops and held the boy more tightly and glanced to Akaza and smiles making Akaza widen his eyes.

.                                                               ..                                                               .

"Huh? Are you sure that this is the right location?" Muichiro asks his female crow who blushed in embarrassment.

"I-I am seriously serious Muichiro! This is the place! I bet that the kakushi fled since its night! Hmph! Cowardly kakushis!" She babbled, flapping her wings in annoyance as she huffed and puffed her feathers.

Muichiro only hummed in response and scanned the area. His crow landing gracefully on his shoulder, her long lashes flickered as she blinked her beady eyes.

Walking to deeper into the forest, he could hear a waterfall nearby. "Maybe he went to the bathroom?" He wondered and walked to body of water. But as he was walking, he could see a trail.

Following the trail with his eyes, he could a small glow just deeper and hidden beyond the road. His lips form a straight line. "Did he hide to avoid the demons? But they have a great sense of smell"

He decides to check it out and walks to the trail. His slippers dig into the wet soil but paid it no mind. Going closer to the light, he realizes that it was a lamp.

"A lamp. . . but with the wisteria crest"  his crow muttered as she scanned the lamp from his shoulder, leaning down to inspect.

Soon, Muichiro's eyes widen and crouches down suddenly making his crow shriek in surprise and fly up. Signaling the crow to quiet down, it slowly lands beside him.

"Did you hear that Kokushibou-dono?"

Muichiro gulps mervously, hiding and pressing his back against the bush. Cold sweat dripping down his neck, the aura he sensed from them was powerful. It was like the aura of a specific demoness only slightly different.

"I guess it was just a human—

"Oy! Shut up already, let's get outta here before Muzan-sama gets angry" another different voice yelled out, surprising Muichiro.

"Upper ranks?! I g-gotta kill them now or else-

He stops as his eyes laid on his trembling hand with at wasn't grasping the hilt of his sword. A lump on his throat as he tried gulping. Fear overwhelmed him as two powerful demons just stood there, three powerful demons nonetheless.

"D-didn't I say that I won't back down when I see a chance?! This a one life chance!" He thought, but no matter how hard he tried to pump himself up, his senses screamed for him to get away.

Not having any chance, he bit his lip and moved his hand away from his sword. "I'll just get killed the second I step out" he thought. As he slightly relaxed, his eyes widen as he sees his long hair had been slip out to the bush. It's moonlight shining against it.


Muichiro gasps as a shadow looms over him. Looking up, his mint green eyes stared back at a yellow pupils which wrote upper moon 3.

"You made the right choice. . . Unfortunately, you forgot to hide yourself"

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