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"We're not done yet"

Hearing that made everyone confuse.

"We'll announce the fate of this applicant decided by the Global votes, on the first day of this show we stated that her fate to be in I-Land relies on the Global vote. Will she able to change the final 12 into final 13 or will it remain as the final 12?"

"Y/n that's you!!!" Ej said excitedly shaking your shou

"What?" You said, you were so confuse of what's going on

"It's you!!!' they all said excitedly, they're all rooting for you

****Back to the I-Land

"ARGH!!! This is driving me crazy!" Jay said rubbing his hands to his face

"Come on Y/n....." Sunghoon said nervously

"You got this Y/n" Hanbin said

***Back to the Stage

"Y/n, please step forward"

All of them were excited and happy for you, pushing you to go to the front of the stage.

"This applicant didn't just prove herself, she helped her teammates as best as she could,she brought out the best in them, a great leader and a great friend."

"YEAH! That's our dongsaeng!!!" They cheered like a proud father to her daughter.

You stare at the ground tears falling, confuse and don't know what to say.

"The Global viewers have decided..."

All of them were holding their breathes waiting for the result including the Producers and Directors.

"Y/n............ Got IN with 3,837,927 million votes"

Hearing that makes you sat on the floor and burst into tears.

Grounders burst into tears too, they're so happy that you made it!

***Back to the I-LAND

"YEAH!!!!" They all cheered excitedly and jump around as soon as they heard the word IN.

"I KNEW IT!" Jay yelled

"SHE MADE IT!!!" Jake agreed

"3.8 MILLION?!" K said in shocked

"3.8 MILLION VOTES!!!" Niki and Taki said excitedly

***Back to the Stage

Everyone cheered. The Producers and Directors applaud. All of them ran to you and tackle you into hug.

"YAH!!! Y/N!!! I KNOW YOU'RE GONNA MAKE IT!!!" Jaeho said crying genuinely happy for you

"You did well!!!" Jimin said bursting into tears.

"Ofcourse our teacher Y/n made it!!!" Taeyong said

"You really really deserve it!" Sungchul said.

I-Landers went out to say their last goodbyes with the eliminated participants.

"I-I'll do my b-best for you g-guys" you said sniffling

"Don't cry ~" Nicholas said smilling, ruffling your hair.

"Stay strong okay? Show them what you're capable of" Ej said hugging you tightly

"Noona! We'll make your fansclub!!!" Yoonwon said still crying

IT'S NOW OR NEVER || I-LAND || ENHYPENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora