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"You made this?" Hoshi ask staring at the cookies with his sparkling eyes.

"Aahh y-yes." You said nervously.

"WOAH!!!" Seventeen said in unison.

"I wanna try some too!" The I-Lander thought to themselves.

Jun was about to grab one.

***PAK*** Minghao slap his hand.

"Was was that for?!" Jun protested rubbing the hand that was been slapped.

"Hahaa We'll eat this later." Minghao said putting the tray away (on the table) stopping himself to get tempted too.

"Yeah haha let's proceed what we've come here for." Hoshi said putting his arm over Jun's shoulder who was pouting.

You started to line up along with the I-Landers.

"YAH! Why didn't you guys tell me?!" You whispered yelled to Niki which just made him giggle at you and K ruffled your hair.

"We should say hello first." Minghao said.

All of you were star struck by them.

"Yes! We should say hello first." Dino said agreeing.

"Say the name!" Hoshi yelled.

"Seventeen! Hello, we're Seventeen!" Seventeen greeted.

"WOAH!!!" All of you said excitedly and applaud.

"We heard you guys took the test yesterday." Hoshi said.

"Right." Minghao added.

"How many hours have you practiced?" Hoshi ask.

"About 10 hours." Jay answered and all of you nodded.

"Ooohhh 10 hours..." Jun said.

"Have you seen each other unit's performance?" Joshi ask.

"No, we haven't seen yet." Jungwon said which made the Seventeen more excited.

"Then it's going to be the first time to see for you guys as well?" Hoshi ask excitedly.

"Yes." All of you answered while nodding.

"It's going to be fun!" Hoshi said excitedly.

"Hahahaha" all of you laugh at his cuteness.

"That way, it's more interesting!" Hoshi added.

"Then let's start with... (Seventeen turn their faces to you and wiggle their eyebrows) with Beast King's Unit!" They said excitedly which made your eyes more wide open if that's even possible.

They just laugh at you. Jay ruffled your hair.

"Hit Unit will go first!" Dino said excitedly.

They just can't wait to see you dance. Pretty U unit were excited too.

Team 'Hit' were nervous and excited at the same time, they started to go to their positions. The others stand on the side while Seventeen was in front of Hit team.

Everyone cheered them up and applaud.

"Do it with confidence!" Dino cheered.

"FIGHTING!!!" They yelled.

"Woah!" K said nervously.

"Hoooo!!!" Jun said gesturing them to relax.

Your eyes were still wide open and your making tiny jumps out of nervousness.

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