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All of you gathered in the dinning table and started to eat.

You look at BTS waiting for their reaction.

"Wooooaaahhh!" Jimin said after taking spoon full and giving you a thumbs up.

"Hahaha can't believe it's inedible a while ago." Jhope chuckled

"Hahaha yeah! Good job Y/n!" Suga added showing you his gummy smile.

"See!!! I told you Jungkook oppa!" You said looking at Jungkook who's pouting while stuffing his mouth.

"I can do it too, just so you know and for the nth time, it's just an accident." Jungkook said and all of you just laugh at his competitiveness

V was still thinking about what Jungwon said earlier and kinda lost in his thoughts.

"V Hyung, you okay?" Niki ask, who's sitting beside him.

"Oh? Hahaha yeah I'm fine, the food is just so delicious." V chuckled and ruffled Niki's hair, looking at you which made Jimin a little confuse because he knows his brother pretty well.

While eating, the whole room was filled with chatter and laughter.

After that meal and cleaning up, while waiting for the cookies, all of you decided to play charades in the living room, choosing a topic and acting it out, it's BTS vs I-Landers. Whoever guess the right answers gains a point.

They started to act out, the first category was guessing which I-Lander applicant it is.

Jhope was just about to dance Michael Jackson's iconic dance and moon walk.

"NIKI!NIKI!!!" You and Sunoo yelled excitedly jumping out from the couch which made Jhope froze and smile in defeat.

"It's Niki!!!" You added with your tiny jumps!

"Correct!" Jhope said which made I-Landers cheer and gave you a high five.

"Hahahaha how did you guys guess it that fast?!" Jin said in amazement

"Okay next! next!!!" Jimin said excitedly.

It's Heeseung's turn to act out. He close his eyes and put his fist near his mouth like he was about to eat something.

"Y/N!!! IT'S Y/N!!!" Jungkook and V yelled and stood up, giving each other a high five.

"No!!! How could that be me?!" You protested which made them laugh even more.

"You eat like that every morning with your eyes close!" Sunghoon chuckled giving you a side hug

"Yeah, the whole world probably knows that already!" Jay added ruffling your hair which made your eyes open wider and cover your face with your hands out of embarrassment.

"Correct!!!" Heeseung giggled

BTS - 1 point
I-Landers - 1 point

The next one was Jungkook and he started to do some  taekwondo kick

"Woooaaahhhh!!!" All of you said in amazement

"JUNGWON-IE!!! OUR JUNGWON-IE!!!" You cheered excitedly pointing at Jungwon who's smilling widely too.

"Correct!!!" Jungkook said

"Haha woah!!! Y/n really knows I-Landers." Suga chuckled.

I-Landers - 2 points
BTS- 1 point

"Ofcourse" you chuckled and wink at the I-Landers which made them wink back at you too, smilling at your silliness.

The next one was Daniel and he did Jay's iconic cry which made all of you laugh and Jay hugging you from the back, hidding from embarrassment.

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