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27th April, 1971

Today was Lyra Hyperion's 11th Birthday. Even though she was so used to not caring about her birthday, everyone seemed to care a lot about it. Including her past self, and her current self. But this birthday would be different, because it would be the day she received her Hogwarts letter.

Waking up bright and early, the now 11-year old girl jumped out of bed and rushed towards her bathroom, before she treated herself a nice and long bath. When she was done with relaxing, she walked out of the tub and dried herself up, using wandless magic to dry her wet hair. She got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. She then walked down the stairs and smiled when she was greeted by the adoring face of her parents.

"Good morning, sweetheart. How was your sleep?" Her father closed the Daily Prophet he was holding and placed it down the table, opening one arm for her to embrace.

"Morning, Dad. Relaxing." She answered back, kissing his cheeks before walking towards her mother.

"Morning, Mum." She grinned, kissing her cheek.

"Morning, love. Happy 11th Birthday." She cooed, stroking her cheeks.

"Happy 11th, sweetheart. Presents are beside the floo, have breakfast first."

And so she did. She enjoyed her breakfast with her parents, striking up some casual conversation. But her parents could see her excitement, and the fact that her leg was bouncing in anticipation.

"Patience, sweetheart." Apollo laughed at his daughter.

"Ugh, what's taking so long?" She pouted, glancing towards her window once more.

After what felt like hours, but was in fact only seven minutes, a loud tapping sounded from the window. She immediately leaped out of her seat and ran towards the window, where a barn owl was holding up a letter.

Lyra took some owl treats and fed the owl, before gently taking the Hogwarts letter out of its grip.

"Thank you." she cooed to the owl, petting it for a few seconds, before letting it fly away.

She beamed in happiness when she read through her Hogwarts letter. Looking up at the amused face of her parents, she questioned.

"So? What time are we going shopping?"


The small family walked out of the floo elegantly, walking through the crowded streets of Diagon Alley. The first stop they made was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Then, they made their way towards Amanuensis Quills, where Lyra bought tons of swan quills, considering they were light, comfortable, and strong. She also bought tons of parchment, and ink, considering she likes writing. She also knew she had to bring a lot of notebooks, markers, colorful pens, and a lot of drawing pens, considering she loves bullet journaling, and she likes her notes color-coded and neat.

The next thing they did was visit Flourish and Blotts, buying all her required textbooks. Lyra would love to buy books, but she knew none of the books there were interesting enough, so her parents took her to Obscurus Books, where she bought at least twenty books. The shop owner, and the customers looked amused at the sight of an 11-year old girl scanning each isle of the shop an picking up stacks of books.

But then they finished, and they visited the Potage's Cauldron Shop, where Lyra spent her time carefully choosing her cauldron. She knew first years were required a pewter, standard size 2 cauldron, but she refused to use the wretched cauldron. She finally decided on buying 7 standard size 2 Copper cauldron. The shop owner had no idea why she needed that many, but her parents simply shrugged when the owner shot them a questioning look.

This time, Lyra requested that her parents go buy her other school equipment, while she visited the Apothecary alone. Her parents had an inkling that their daughter was going to buy tons of Potions ingredients, considering her love for the subject. But they agreed upon her request and left her alone.

Lyra bought tons of every ingredient in the shop, knowing that she would do a lot of brewing, because she had to stock tons of potions, it was a habit of hers.

She left the store with her bag of coins much lighter, and her small sling bag she had successfully placed an Extendable Charm on. It was illegal, but she was never one for following the rules. Besides, no one would be able to detect it, considering she used it without a wand, and inside her mansion where there were about fifty wards placed around it. It would be undetectable to the ministry.

Her parents sent her a questioning look when they noticed she didn't buy a lot of ingredients, she simply shot them a smile before continue walking towards Ollivander's.

This was the thing she was most nervous of. She had a special connection to her wand, and she would hate it if she would be using a different wand for the rest of her life.

The bell on top of the door rung, a sign that someone entered the shop. The family of three walked inside the shop full of stacked boxes.

"Ah.. yes, Welcome." A younger version of Ollivander appeared within their line of sight.

The old man began waving his wand, measuring her arm and body, before nodding and disappearing between the stack of boxes. A few moments later, he came out with an unfamiliar box and she immediately shook her head. It had taken seventeen tries for her to get the right wand, and she preferred not wasting her time.

"No, thank you." She glanced at the box distastefully, and stared at the old man.

"I would like to try Blackwood, Blue Velvet, Basilisk Scales, 13 1/3 inches please."

Her parents glanced at each other before looking at their daughter worriedly.

"The wand chooses the witch, Ms. Hyperion." Ollivander stared at the girl sternly, however Lyra remained stoic and unwavering.

"I know, my magic, Mr. Ollivander, and I know that a Blackwood, Blue Velvet, Basilisk Scales 13 1/3 inches wand would fit me perfectly. Trust me." She strongly said.

"That was an oddly specific request." He told the girl strangely.

"Just give me the God damn Black and Silver box  with the golden carvings" She huffed, before adding a "Please." because she felt guilty for acting so rude.

To be fair, she wasn't trying to be rude, she just refused to use any other wand.

Ollivander looked at her for a couple more seconds, before disappearing within the boxes once more, and coming out with a very familiar box.

"This wand is very powerful, Ms. Hyperion, It was made fo-"

"-For a future spell-crafter and a Potions Master. I know, it's in Advanced: Wand-making by Miriam Gold" She breathed out.

She opened the box and took out the familiar wand gently, when her hand made contact with the wand once more, electric sparked over her fingertips, and the wandmaker saw how her eyes flashed the shade of amber, for a second and he blinked back in surprise.

Lyra waved the wand and the fire burnt brighter, the room became warmer, and the mess of boxes neatly tidied itself. She nodded in satisfaction, before pulling out twenty seven galleons out of her pouch.

"Lyra, a wand costs only seven galleons, thirteen at max-" Her father started,

"But this one costs twenty seven, because of the years it took to form this." Her and the old man answered in sync. Ollivander looked surprise, but Lyra barely had any emotion.

"Alright, that would be all. Thank you, Mr. Ollivander." She nodded politely at the man before turning around and walking out of the shop with her parents.

"That was too specific, Lyra. How did you know all that. He said it himself, the wand chooses the witch." Apollo stared at his daughter

"I'm a girl of her ambitions, Pa. I had a gut feeling. And I've done some research." Was all she said.

She then stopped in her tracks before turning around to her parents.

"Can we make a pit stop at Gringgots? I may or may not have went overboard with some books." She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.

Her parents simply laughed before leading her towards Gringgots.

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