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The Christmas ball was in two days, and she still hadn't picked a dress, nor has she completed her Christmas gift shopping. She was planning to go shopping alone today, because she didn't want anyone knowing the gifts she picked, so she started her day with a nice long shower, and a delicious breakfast before heading out of her home.

"Be safe, sweetheart!" Her parents called out.

Her first stop was Diagon Alley of course, where she knew most of her gifts would come from. The first gift she picked up was for Lily, it was a few books on Charms, because she knew it was her strongest subject, and she also bought her a pair of lily ear rings. The second one was fairly easy, she bought a copper cauldron, sets of ingredients, and a book she wrote about potions for his inspiration.

The next thing she bought, was of course a book about Unspeakables, considering Peter always wanted to be one, and a few sweets she knew he would like. Then, she bought Remus a sapphire pendant which protects it's wearers from dark curses.

For Sirius, she bought a few vinyl records and two leather jackets she knew he would love. For the Slytherins, she bought them a book about Legilimens and Occlumency, and about resisting Dark Arts.

She bought Regulus a snitch, and a ring. A beautiful one at that, it was designed to look like a snake, with an emerald jewel in the center. It was also a ring to protect him from Dark Arts, because she knew his family dabbled with those.

The next thing she bought was a new set of broom polishing kit, along with a pair of unbreakable glasses for James, and for the group of marauders, she bought an insanely large amount of pranking equipment.

She bought a new coat for her father, and a necklace which also would protect him from Dark arts, considering he is an Auror and it's basically his job to capture Dark Wizards. Then, she bought a new dress and a pair of indestructible gloves for her mother.

She also decided to send the Weasleys a large amount of galleons, anonymously of course, with a letter of a Christmas greeting. Then, she bought some more pranking equipment, a book about pranks and hexes, and a few sweets for the Prewett twins.

She also bought a charm bracelet for the girls, and a new broom for Frank Longbottom, who was three years older than her, and the Gryffindor Quidditch team captain.

She bought a few more stuffs for the students she tutored, before heading back home to drop off her bags. After that, she proceeded to explore muggle London, before searching for a dress for her Christmas Ball.


Lyra got up from her bed with a groan, the Christmas Ball was tonight and she dreaded getting ready with her mother. Because honestly, her mother is such a fuss when it came to dolling her up. As much as she loved her mother, it still annoyed the life out of her.

But eventually, the struggle paid off because that nigh she looked absolutely breath taking. Her make up wasn't heavy, but it wasn't light either. It sharpened all her face features, and her hair was tied up into a loose bun, while the strands of hair that were purposefully left out were curled.

Her dress, though, was the one who made her stood out. It was made with white satin, with a sweetheart neckline, however there were traces of gold specs in the top, and a floral design at the bottom. It was a color of pearly white, and it brought out her golden skin. She looked absolutely flawless.

Her mother stared at her with tears prickling in her eyes.

"Oh, my baby is all grown up. You look so beautiful, darling." She sniffed, gazing at her daughter lovingly.

"Thank you, mum." She smiled, pulling her mother into a hug carefully.

"Now come on, we don't want to be late to our own party, would we?" She chuckled, but she still had tears in the corner of her eyes.

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