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Emma's POV

"Because I love you"

Love. Something so simple, yet powerful can do wonders to your little heart. I have been cheated on before, but I can bet on my life that what Jon has confessed to me right now, is 100% real. I don't need any evidence or clarification, his eyes says it all. The way he looks at me, says it all. The way he holds me, says it all. The way his heart beats under my palm, says it all.

"I love you very very much, Emma Daniels. And I know that you don't feel the same for me. I know that you have a hard time trusting people, and I also know that I am nothing but a mere friend to you. But you have to understand one thing Emmy, to me, you're much more than the person I love. You're the purpose of my life. The only thing I look forward to in the end of the day,is getting to see you. I don't even know how did I live all these years without you, but I know for sure that from today, my life is going to be living hell without you. Before you came into my life I was just surviving, but now, with you here, I am living."

I couldn't hold it anymore. My emotions were piling up, begging for it's release. And I did just that. I start sobbing whilst putting my hand around his waist, hugging him. I press my face against his hard chest. I don't say anything,not because I don't want to, but because I can't. I let my actions speak to him instead. Which is, crying hysterically.

"Shhhh don't cry baby. I am sorry to put you through all this right now." He tries to pull away but I wasn't having any of it now. I hug him tighter, probably making it difficult for him to breathe but I don't care. All I need is his warmth. He got the message and just held me closer to his body.

After what seemed like eternity, he pulls away and cups my cheek, brushing away the tears with the pad of his thumb.

"I'm sure you're hungry, I'll order something. Why don't you go and pick a movie for us?"

"What about your work? I don't want your work to pile up."

"Don't worry about that. There is this new guy, Bob. He seems to be pretty good at what he does, I'm sure he'll manage everything there."

"Alright." I say heading towards the couch to pick a nice movie for us to watch.


We had our dinner, which was pizza, an hour ago. We'd been bickering over the take out for almost half an hour when we finally came to a conclusion of ordering pizza. Now we're cuddled up in the couch watching 'The Secret Life Of Pets'. Well, Tony wanted to join us in our movie night because of which, we are watching his favourite movie.

"I still can't understand how a dog can have a favourite movie. Favourite food? Okay. Favourite toy? Understandable. But a favourite movie?"Jon sighs.

"I don't know about other dogs but my Tony just loves watching movies. Especially when it's about his friends. Right baby?"

"Woof!" Tony cuddles up in my lap, with me patting his head and his butt resting on Jon's lap. Jon give him a tight smack once in a while, just to get him all riled up. And I giggle every time when Tony lets out a growl, on being smacked.

"I forgot to ask you how much I owe you. You know, with the groceries and stuff." I say slightly ashamed. I can't believe I forgot about it. I am very particular when it comes to money. I don't wanna owe even a penny to anyone. No matter how close I am to them.

"You really wanna talk about that now Emmy? Can't we just enjoy this night, keeping all the unwanted stress aside?"

"You're right." I smile, trying not to be a buzz kill. I guess the shopping bill can wait for now. I feel a sharp pain in my lower stomach which startles me and I let out a quick gasp.

"What? What happened?" Jon asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"No nothing. It's just the cramps again."

"I'll be right back." He says before going to the kitchen. He comes back after a couple of minutes with a hot bag and an ice cream tub.
He places them on the coffee table and picks Tony from my lap, putting him on the floor by my leg.

"Come here" He says softly while scooting closer to me, putting the bag on my lower tummy whilst rubbing my back soothingly. He takes the blanket and puts them over our shoulders while I open the ice cream tub and take a big scoop out of it, savoring it as if it was my last spoon. I feel so much better now. All these years I used to dread my period days. But if I get to be pampered by Jon on such days, I guess I can bear with a couple of cramps.

"Thank you." I whisper, kissing his cheek. He abruptly stops rubbing my back, slightly shocked with my gesture. But soon enough, he relaxes and continues his massage.

"Anytime Emmy." He whispers back, kissing my temple. This is how it feels to finally have someone by your side. Being the socially awkward girl, I've never had any luck in making friends. I was way too bubbly which tend to freak people out.

"You feeling better now?" He asks me.

"Much better."

"That's good to hear. I guess I should get going now. It's pretty late, I wouldn't wanna keep you up all night." Oh no. Why does he have to leave so fast? I really want him to stay. He had to leave just when I was enjoying a company I had been craving for years. Should I tell him to stay the night over? But where is he gonna sleep? I don't want him to sleep on this couch which barely fits his body. Apparently, Jon is way too big for my apartment.

"Jon wait!" I say without any prior thoughts. He turns around and looks at me with curious eyes. How do I tell him this? Is it fair to ask him to stay back? He would want to go back home, take a nice warm shower, and get a peaceful sleep, on his bed, in his room. I really shouldn't push my luck. He was with me the whole day, it's really stupid of me to stick to him like a leech!

"Do you want me to stay over, cupcake?" Jon asks with a sly smirk.


Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well. Not gonna lie but this chapter was kind of boring, but I'll make it up in the coming chapters.

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