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Emma's POV

I'm so bored. Tony is fast asleep, after our playtime he was very exhausted. Jon too fell asleep on the couch watching a movie. Since he is still on medications, he is very lethargic and I'm not built enough to carry him all the way to his room, so I decided to let him rest on the couch itself. I put a thick blanket over him, switch off the television and give him a peck on the forehead before heading towards the room. Hmmm.....what do I do to kill the time now? I guess I'll do what I'm the best at. BAKING! I'll bake some croissants, of various types! I head towards the kitchen to get the ingredients required. I open the kitchen cabinets and find nothing that is baking related. Has this man never baked anything? How is he still alive?

I guess it's time to pay the grocery store a nice visit. I go back to the room and get ready, I check my purse, but to my dismay, there's just 10 bucks remaining. I got to pay the ATM machine a visit too. But that can wait, I'm all hyped up for baking! I guess I'll just take some cash from Jon's wallet. Will he mind though? Nah I think he'll be fine with it. I open the drawer in the dressing table and take his wallet out for some money. What catches my attention is his driving license. I swoon over his picture, until my eyes go to the Date Of Birth.

18th October 1990.

That's like in a week! Oh my God and Jon didn't tell me. This is so huge. What am I going to get him? What does he like? Does he celebrate birthdays? So many questions cross my mind that I can feel a headache approaching. I guess I'll just focus on baking today and think about Jon's birthday when my mind is clear. Baking helps me clear my mind. I step out of the house when a gentle breeze brushes across my body, causing me to slightly shiver. Well, I guess it's time to put Jon's hoodie into some good use.

I push the cart as I pass by the dairy aisle. I can see the ice cream tubs stacked one on top of the another from the corner of my eye. I should really start eating healthy. The last time I checked my weight, I had gained like 5 pounds! So I decided not to even look at the ice cream aisle. I buy all the other necessary items and stand in line at the cash counter. Now, did I look at the ice cream aisle? Yes of course. Did I buy two tubs of ice cream? Absolutely. Do I feel guilty buying them? More than ever. I pay for them and walk towards Jon's apartment. I unlock the door and swing it open, the silence welcomes me indicating that my two boys are still asleep. Suddenly, exhaustion takes over me.  I guess it's because of walking all the way to the grocery store. A small nap wouldn't hurt anyone. I place the bags on the counter and head towards the couch in which Jon is sleeping. I slowly scoot over to him and put the blanket over us. His back side is facing me, which makes me the big spoon. I try to fall asleep but I can't.

I don't like being the big spoon.

I feel so neglected, as if Jon abandoned me and moreover, it's cold here. So I place one of my legs over him, making sure not to wake him up and scoot over to the other side such that my back faces Jon. Much better. I feel warm and comfortable here. Jon subconsciously places his hand under my waist, pulling me further into his chest. He nuzzles his head into my neck and falls back asleep. This is so good. Jon makes me feel things no one else has ever made me feel. I guess this is where I belong, in his arms.

I am woken up by feather like kisses on my neck, shoulders and cheek. I smile inwardly, my eyes still closed. I hear him let out a deep sigh. I open my eyes and turn around in his arms, facing him. He looks down at me and smiles back, kissing my forehead.

"When did you come in for a cuddle?" He asks chuckling, pulling me closer, if it's even possible to get any closer than this. We're so close that I can feel his hard body against mine. My chest is pressed against his, I blush at the thought that he can feel my breasts with this degree of proximity.

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