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Jon's POV

I cannot feel my right hand. Oh yes that's right, because my cupcake had been napping on it for over 8 hours. I don't know what came over her but she just went all mama bear on me last night, I'm not complaining though. I turn over to the other side of the bed only to see that it was cold and empty. Why does she have to be an early bird? I get up and head towards the kitchen not even bothering to wear a shirt, it's pretty hard to wear one with a fractured arm. A delicious aroma engulfs me as I enter the kitchen. I see my Emmy flipping a pancake while humming. Her hair is in a messy bun and she's wearing a white cotton half sleeved night gown that reaches almost till her ankles. She's looking like an adorable angel, or a cupcake with white frosting.

One thing I've noticed about Emma is that she has never worn anything that is revealing. If she has worn anything that shows skin, then it is the wrap dress that reaches a few inches below her knee. She probably prefers comfort over fashion. Either way, she looks good in every piece of clothing she wears. She can wear a potato sack and still ace it. Her curvy figure, wide hips and pretty face can do wonders.

I slowly walk towards her and gently wrap my arm around her waist from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. She lets out a yelp and then relaxes.

"You scared me" She says softly, spreading the batter on the pan.

"Sorry" I whisper into her ears. She's got a couple of more acnes now. Emma always had acne issues, she'd try different products but nothing would work, in the end she'd just let it go. She is totally different from the girls I've been with before. And by 'girls' I mean the one night stands. They were always very self conscious. From the colour of their nails to the length of their heels, all had to be spot on.

"Why don't you sit down? I'll bring you the breakfast."

"But I wanna be with my nurse" I say squeezing her waist. She giggles at the new nickname I just tossed her. She turns around in my arms and inspects my cast. Then she brushes the hair off my forehead and takes a look at the cuts on my face.

"You're doing well now" she mumbles stroking my hair to the side. I look into her eyes this whole time.

"Is there something wrong in me?" I ask out of the blue. She stops the stroking abruptly and looks at me.

"What do you mean?" She asks folding her arms across her chest which makes them look bigger. I try my best not to look at her chest but come on, I'm a man and my eyes naturally go to her breasts, but I'm also pissed right now so the 'staring at her boobs' can wait.

"I mean, how can you not feel this" I ask waving my forefinger to and fro between us.

"Don't tell me you don't feel it too, Emmy. This is just bullshit if you don't feel it either. I know you do, but you don't wanna agree to it. I wouldn't be asking you this over and over again if I was convinced that you don't like me back. But I know for a fact that you do. I don't understand why you wanna suppress your feelings. Do you think you deserve someone better than me? If you believe that then let me tell you that you're absolutely right. But please first give me a chance. If you still feel I'm not the one then I'll be out of your life for good." I say cupping her cheek with my good arm. Her eyes begin to water and she looks down, pushing me on my chest.

"No Emma! Stop running away from my confession. You have to face this one day or another. I don't mind waiting for you, I can wait for you for the rest of my life. But I think I do deserve an explanation from your side regarding this." I say moving closer towards her and trapping her between the counter and myself. By now, the tears are endlessly cascading down her face. I cannot see her cry, it breaks my heart, but I really really need an answer now.

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