Chapter 4

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Waking up at 5:30 every morning is rough but I have to get my 30 minute run in,it's one way I stay in shape. After getting up and dressing I got my phone and headphones so I could pull up my playlist and listen to music as I run.

Putting Luv Bug by Kevin Gates on,I take off on my run,I'm two blocks away when I finally realize a bike is following me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the damn thing which is bad because I'm a woman and running when it's barely light outside.

I look back and noticed the cut he was wearing and that it's Dagger a prospect for the club, I walk up to him,"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Easy Doll I'm only doing my job,Beast assigned me to watch you" he says with a grimace,probably seeing my pissed off look.

"I don't need a damn baby sitter Dagger! This is insane you know that right?" I all but yell at the man.

"Doll I'm not trying to be your baby sitter,I'm just trying to keep you safe,like a bodyguard" he replies like that is fucking better.

"So your saying I'm in danger because I married Beast?" I panic and before he can say anything else I run back home,I make it back and lock my door,going straight to the shower trying not to cry.

Beast POV

Rolling over to answer my phone that on the nightstand because the fucking thing won't stop ringing, can't a man get some sleep around here?

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap into the phone not checking the caller ID to see who called this damn early I mean come on I don't have to be up until 7 and be at work at 8 at the garage.

"Uh um Beast I'm sorry but I think I scared Kaylee" Dagger stutters out and sounds panicked but as soon as I hear my Beauty's name I'm up out of bed, what the fuck did this idiot do? I gave him one day job.

"What did you do to my woman Dagger? If you hurt her I will slit your fucking throat brother or not" I snarl through the phone with rage burning in my blood as I get dressed.

"She asked why I was following her and I just said to protect her,like a bodyguard type,I didn't know what else to say Beast and now she thinks because she is married to you that she is in danger" as he says this I want to bat his ass, my beauty was already wanting to divorce me and this shit wasn't helping me.

"I'm on my way just stay there and don't fucking talk to her!" I snarl out as I hang up.

After I'm dressed I get my keys and head to my bike hoping my baby will let me explain why I want a prospect on her at all times. No we aren't in war with another MC right now but I'm the Sergeant At Arms I'm the only high ranking member with a ol'lady now and my beauty is my weakness. Well her and my 4 year old son which she doesn't know about yet.

After pulling up to her house,I hop off my bike and glare at Dagger as I make my way to her door,I knocked and rung the bell but got no answer so I found her spare key she told me about the night we got married and let myself into her house.

I walked to her room and the heard the shower going so head into the master bathroom and see her gorgeous naked figure but it pains me to see her crying, she so upset she doesn't hear me walk in or come up to her until I turn the water off that has gone cold. I lead her out and wrap the towel around her and start drying her off.

"Beauty talk to me baby" I practically beg this beautiful woman I get to call mine

"I'm in danger and you didn't tell me" she sobs out and breaks my fucking heart

"Baby girl your not in danger,I just want someone with you when I can't be just in case something does ever happen" I tell her while wiping her tears away

"I'm not" she whimpers out and damn it there goes my heart again

"No baby I would tell you if your ever in danger,I would never keep something like that from you sweetheart and besides you would have two prospects if that was the case at all times" I tell her honestly as I kiss her forehead and get her dressed.

Kaylee POV

"Thank you" I whispered up at Beast as he told me everything and I feel like I could trust him, I feel safe with him and I don't know if I like it or not.

"Of course baby, I will always reassure you" he says rubbing my back and kissing the corner of my mouth, which sets my face ablaze, I look like a damn tomato!

"Do you have work today? If not would you like to have lunch with me?" I ask him shyly and not looking him in the eyes.

"I have work from 8-5 baby but I can meet you for lunch or you can bring me lunch if you would like? I have lunch at 12 today" he says when he sees my frown when I heard he had to work, I don't want to be married yet I do ugh why is this so confusing?

"Umm can I cook something and bring it? I can make Buffalo Chicken Sliders and fries for lunch and sweet tea" I offer with a small smile while looking at him under my lashes and biting my bottom lip.

"Fuck" is all I hear before Beast has wrapped me up in his strong arms and crashing his lips on mine in a heated kiss,it takes me all of 5 seconds to kiss him back,the kiss lasted for about a minute but by the time it's over I'm a panting mess with my head resting on him and his head laying on top of mine.

"Yes baby you can and that sounds fucking amazing! I will see you for lunch beauty but I gotta get going" *kiss* "I don't want to leave you baby,not while you are giving me a chance"*kiss* "I love you Mrs.James" and then he was gone!

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