The Cute Nurse

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When the clock struck midnight, George bolted out of the front doors. He didn't bother saying his goodnights. He wanted to leave. He had whole-hearty confessed thinking the most popular boy in school was cute... to his face. George could never show his face again. Maybe he could buy a plane ticket to Brazil. He'd be there by dusk. He could change his name and learn a whole new language. George liked soccer anyways. 

George sat in the driver's seat of his car and groaned out. He gently banged his head on the steering wheel. "I am so stupid." He repeated until he had his fill. It was already after midnight yet George's day was still not over. He buckled himself in and drove off. 

Eliza's birthday was coming up in a week or so, on the 15th of October and George wanted to surprise her. He drove in silence to the super-market. He pulled into the parking lot and got out. George couldn't stop thinking about Dream. Not only had George said he was cute... Dream said it back. George tried to convince himself that it was just because Dream was very heavily drugged. 

He strolled into the store and walked about. The smooth jazz coming from the overhead radio muffled George's thoughts. As he scanned the boxed cake mix, he over a rather interesting conversation. 

"Does he like flowers?" One asked. 

"I dunno, he's your best friend Nick." Another scoffed. 

"Tommy.. be nice... this must be hard for Sapnap." A third voice mumbled. Oh, they're football players. George thought, he recognized the name Sapnap, focusing on the conversation now. 

"Tubbo's right. We are here to get Dream something nice. He'll probably be mad as hell." A fourth man said. George glanced over his shoulder to look at the group. Nick was wearing a Thrasher hoodie, Tommy was in a red and white shirt. Tubbo wore an oversized black and yellow stripped hoodie and the fourth wore a sweater and a beanie. 

"I think we should get him flowers... he likes green!" Nick started looking through the bouquets of flowers. George shook his head slightly and looked back at the mixes. George finally decided on some carrot cake mix and the frosting to match. He turned to go to check out when Tubbo was suddenly beside him. 

"Holy shit-" George jumped and nearly decked Tubbo in the face. 

"Hello." They smiled warmly. "You go to Craftington, right?" He asked. 

"I uh... yeah?"

"Tubbo, leave him alone." Tommy rushed to meet his friend. "Sorry about them, he likes make friends." 

"Oh you're George. We have chemistry together. Guy's a genius." The one in the sweater spoke, George finally recognized him as Wilbur. Nick finally joined the group, holding a bunch of green roses. and a stupid looking card. 

"He's wearing scrubs..." Tubbo commented. 

"You have an internship at the hospital, right?" Wilbur asked. 

"Uhm, yeah, i just got off my shift-" George realized his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth. These people were where to get things for Dream. George knew the status of Dream. They were going to ask about him. 

"Cool." Sapnap sniffled. "Well, nice to see you George. See you on Monday" Sap offered a solemn smile. George could tell he was very worried about his friend. 

"I'm not suppose to tell people outside of family about the patients well-being but..." What was George doing? He could get fired if they found out. "Dream's okay. He's resting comfortably." George gave a warm yet very sleep smile. 

Nick's eyes seemed to light up. "Really? Oh thank god." He praised. 

Pulling into his driveway was quite possibly the best feeling. But he was still not done and it was well into the early morning hours at this point. George walked into a pitch-black house. He threw his backpack onto the floor and flicked on the overhead light. He hid the cake mix out of sight and pulled out a folder from a the bookshelf. 

George sat down at the kitchen table and stared at the folder. His favorite part of every month. Bills. Who knew seventeen year old George would be doing the bills. His eyes grew heavy and his head bobbed up and down as he tried to fight slumber, but eventually he gave in to sin and passed out around three am. 

It felt as if he closed his eyes for just a second before the obnoxious vibrating of his cell phone forced his eyes open. It was a call, and it was coming from Bad. George looked around. The sun was up. He looked at his phone and answered. 

"Uhm... hello?" George gave a huge yawn. "What time is it?" 

"It is..." Bad trailed off as he checked the time. "9:13, did i wake you up?" You could hear the sorrow in his voice. 

"No... no not at all, I've been awake for awhile..." George lied. "What's up though?"

"I was calling to see if you made it home alright last night. News about Dream's breaking his foot is everywhere on social media."

"Yeah i can imagine..." George leaned back, popping his spine. It wasn't his first time falling asleep at the desk. 

"Are you busy today? Me and Skep wanted to go to the movies and we wanted to invite ya." He offered. 

"And third-wheel for two hours? No thanks." He laughed. "I got work anyways..." That was always his excuse. But it was a legit excuse. George never took time for himself anymore. Last time George did anything fun was about six years ago.

The beeping of the heart monitor was the reason why Clay woke up. At first, the blinding white room scared the shit out of him, he barely remembered anything from last night, since he was very drugged. Looking around the room, he noticed his foot. It was wrapped in white cloth and raised with a hammock type thing. Clay twisted his face into a frown. 

Then he remembered. 

The game! Oh how could he have forgotten the biggest night of his life? He looked around for his phone and found it charging on the bed-side table. It was near 2 pm. He opened it to find dozens of messages asking how he was and what happened. Dream groaned and ignored them, he instead pulled up Sapnap's contact and called. 

"Clay? Holy fuck man you look like shit." Sapnap gasped as soon as the facetime cameras loaded. 

"Ugh, nice to see you too Nick." Clay sighed. "What happened?"

"You got your foot shattered dude." Sap stated plainly. "They took you away in an ambulance. I texted your sister, apparently they had to so surgery on your foot too. You fucked it up."  Clay started to panic, but he tried to keep down. 

"A-and the game...?" He croaked. 

"We tied. We have a rematch game planned." 

"When-" Dream looked up to see through the glass, a male in scrubs knocking to come in. "Oh hold on, there's a cute ass nurse coming in. Mute yourself." Dream tucked his phone away and the male entered. 

He was tall but Dream beat him by a few inches.  He was quite frail too, not a lot of meat and he was pasty. Dark bags hung under his beautiful brown eyes. He seemed nervous. 

"Good afternoon Mr. Blocc, i am George Founders, an intern. Im... I'm uh.. here to ask from questions.' He muttered. 

"Of course." Clay smiled warmly. The smile seemed to ease George, but also made him even more tense. Weird. 

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