To Bloom in Autumn

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Clay's first day back at school was one that he really wanted to forget. Everyone looked at him with pity. Girls offered to carry his bag and books for him, teachers allowed him to leave class early, and boys wanted to sign his cast by drawing dicks on it. The joys of high school, truly. The only reason why Clay just didn't up and leave school in the middle of the day was because he looked for a certain short burette. He managed to catch a few glimpses of him in the halls but because of his injury, Clay was really slow now. 

"You are dismissed early Clay. Do you need some assistance with your things?" Mr. Smith, the history teacher asked. Clay looked up at his teacher, trying to hid his anger that swirled in his eyes. 

"Sure..." He said through gritted teeth. "Nick?" Clay looked at his best friend. Sapnap rose to his feet and gathered both his and Clay's bags. Nick lead Clay out of the room and into the hallway. 

"Are you coming to practice?" Sapnap asked, shifting the bags over his shoulders.

"I'm still on the team aren't I?" Clay groaned as his armpits started to get sore from the crutches. "I fucking hate these things..." He muttered. Clay slowed down to a halt and adjusted them underarm.

Nick laughed. "I mean, i can carry you." He stopped beside him.

"You wish, i am taller than you." Clay let a small laugh escape his lips. The two carried on. When the reached the front doors, the bell rang throughout the school, signaling the end of the day. Clay and Nick continued their way other to the locker-room. 

It was just Dream and Sapnap for a few seconds before people trickled in like water drops. Nick plopped their bags on the floor and started to get ready for practice.

"Aye there he is!" Tommy's familiar voice cheered as some players shuffled into the room. Tommy bounded over to Dream. "How ya feeling?"

"Fine." Clay shrugged. "Just wish i could get out onto the field."

"How long are you bench-warming for?" Wilbur asked as he approached the three. 

"Six to eight weeks..."

"Dude the season will be over by then." Wilbur frowned. Football season lasted from September to about mid-November, it was currently the beginning of October. So they only had about five-ish weeks left of the season.

"Yeah... thanks for reminding me..." Clay groaned. "It's fine though, i can still attend the games as if i were fine, i just can't play."

"So you'll be at practices?" Sapnap broke into the conversation. 

"Mhm." Dream nodded. 

"You think we'll have our asses handed to us?" Tommy said. 

Dream laughed. "I wasn't the reason we always won..."

"Bullshit you aren't." Punz's voice randomly interrupted. He sat a few feet from the group and was listening in. "We didnt get a single touchdown after you left."

"Anyways..." Sapnap tried to shift the conversation. "Dream probably wasn't going to have his head in the game since he has been really distracted recently." He fake coughed. 

"What are you on about Sap?" Tommy started to dig through his locker to get his gear out. 

"Wittle Dreamy is in looooove." Sapnap teased. 

A unison of 'what's erupted from the group. 

"Is it that little nurse- err, intern you told us about?" Wilbur asked

"Pfft what? No." Dream shrugged off the question. 

"Bruh, you were doodling his name in your history book." Sapnap laughed. Dream cursed at himself. Sapnap must've seen that when he was packing up his things. 

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