The Slightly Slutty Cat

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Pulling up the Dream's house was anxiety educing. The entire property was transformed into a Halloween house. Fake tombstones littered the lawn as well as oversized spiders and the likes. There was already so many people here. George glanced at his watch, expecting to see it was only thirty-minutes passed when the party started, but it was near eleven o'clock, nearly an hour since. George's panic only grew.

He was late. What if Dream thought George stood him up? Well he was here now, and he wanted to find Clay as soon as he could or he would die from being a social outcast. He exited his car and walked up to the front door, which was wide open with a steady stream of party goers coming in and out. George stepped inside and he was greeted by a girl, dressed in a outfit George could only describe as a revolutionist from the 1700's. 

"Hey George!" She grinned, she was holding a bowl of car keys. 

"Oh hey Niki... what are you doing?" He asked as he stepped closer so he could hear her. 

"I'm on key duty." Niki niggled. "I'm taking everyone's keys so they can't drink and drive." She explained. "So give me your keys." She held out her hand expectantly. 

"But... I'm not going to drink?" George mumbled. 

"Yeah you say that now." She urged her hand closer. George sighed and plopped his keys in her hand.  "What is your costume by the way?" She asked as she threw the keys into the bowl. 

"Oh... I'm an error." He shrugged. "George not found i guess." He gave a weak chuckle. 

"404: George not found. Cute." Niki smiled. "Me and Will dressed up together." She paused as if she was lost in thought. "Oh yeah, Dream was looking for you earlier. I don't know where he is right now but you'll probably find him wondering about." Niki gestured to the party. George nodded and wondered off. 

George had seen the inside of Dream's house a thousand times before, but it was completely different now. The lights were dimmed and colorful LED lights filled the room with a warm red glow. Loud music echoed from some hidden speakers, and the constant chatter of the guests muffled anything else. George made his way to the kitchen to grab some water, at least, he hoped there was water. 

The kitchen was better lit than the living room and main areas of the house, but still fairly crowded. He saw a cooler with water and he thankfully grabbed one, chugging it. Was it just him or was it getting hot? He sat back and watched the party go on. He thought about looking for Dream but before he could move, Sapnap approached him. 

"You made it!" He grinned. He was dressed in a panda onesie, it made George laugh. "Water? Really?" Nick scoffed. 

"What's wrong with it?" George asked. Nick forcefully took the water from his hands and replaced it with a glass bottle of beer. 

"You are at a party, you drink booze not water." Sapnap laughed, taking  swig of his own beer. George looked at the brown bottle and hesitated. He pulled off the cap and took a swig, instantly regretting it. It was so bland and just nasty. He gagged and spit the beer back into the bottle, Sapnap just laughed. 

"That's disgusting..." George groaned, putting the beer down on the counter. 

"Yeah its gross..." Sapnap looked around the kitchen. "Oh here, you'll like this." Sapnap walked over to a cooler and pulled out another beer bottle, though it was clear and contained a green liquid. "This is a lot fruiter and sweeter. Just be careful, you can't really taste the alcohol so watch how many you drink." 

George nodded and tried it. It was a lot easier on the tongue and drink slid down his throat smoothly. "I think this one." He looked at the label. 

"Yeah. Awe shit it's my husband." George looked up to Sapnap looking at a man wearing a very colorful hoodie. "I got to go, Dream's over there by the way." Sapnap pointed in some random direction. "Oh mamas... Karl! C'here baby!" Sapnap rubbed his hands together and licked his lips as he ran to meet the man of color. 

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