-:- chapter 10 -:- hangover -:-

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"LELE!!!!" Ace screamed as he ran at me.

"shut the fuck up Ace." I yell back at him and he stops dead in his tracks. instantly whipping his head toward Cam.  

"Cameron I told you not to screw this up." He turns to me. "I swear I don't even know that looser please still be my friend." I laughed at the offended look on Cammy's face.

"He didn't screw it up Ace, I just have one killer hangover." I mutter the last part and rub my forehead. Stupid headaches back.

"I hangover really, your not even old enough to drink." This time it was Cammy who spoke up. I just snorted out a small laugh, like they've never drank before.

"You guys should have seen it when I found her she had already drank 2 bottles of whiskey, ¾ a bottle of vodka and was sitting in the middle of the room throwing kniv-" I slap my hand over his mouth before he can finish that sentence. 

"Throwing darts. I was throwing darts at the walls" I interject and pray they buy it.

All of them seem to buy my story except Brayden he's looking back and forward between Carl and me suspiciously. Ok if that were the first time I we had messed up he wouldn't be looking at us like that. Oh no what did Carl say now, that moron has never been a good liar.

"Umm ok do you guys wanna watch a movie or something." Emma said warily noticing the tension in the room.

"Sure lets do it." I grin when everyone else said words of agreement.

Ace lead us all to a movie room and when Emma said she was going to get snacks Carl almost tripped over when he jumped up offer to help we all laughed at him.

10 minutes later we are still waiting for snacks. "Ok does anyone else so what's going on here." The boys look at me in confusion "Emma. And Carl. Went to get snacks. 10 MINUTES AGO." I say slowly so they can get it through there thick heads.

I see the light bulb go off in Ace's head before he jumps up "MY SISTER!!" just as he was about to run but I grabbed is hand before I could.

"Dude she's not in danger, Carl would never hurt her, I was just pointing out the fact that they clearly have a thing for each other." Ace sits back down.

"Ohhhhhh. Wait that's still my sister gross." I shake my head an chuckle. Now I have something to tease Carl about.

Right at that moment Carl and Emma walk in laughing, time to start the torture (not literally of course, although that is in my skillset) "Hurry up love birds I want to watch a movie"

Carl just smirks like the idiot he is but Emma burns as bright as a tomato.

Halfway through the movie I notice Emma and Carl snuggled up on the couch together asleep so I sit up and snap a quick pic. Then start to drift of myself.


Hmmmm this cushion is really warm, and comfy, it even has an eight pack and- wait a damn minute cushions don't have eight packs. I slowly open my eyes and realise that someone is carrying me, I tense up and prepare to take down whoever thought they could kidnap me.

"I'm not kidnapping you, it's me Brayden, just go back to sleep angel." I find it ironic he called me angel considering I'm The Death Angel, I know I should be running away or something but I was so damn tired I slowly let the darkness overtake me.

Brayden's POV:

The movie was almost over and suddenly I felt something snuggling into my side when I look down I find Alexa asleep I knew I should be weary of her but I couldn't help enjoy the sparks that lit up were she touched me. She fit so perfectly and look at peace her face relaxed like she wasn't over thinking things like she did when she was awake

When the movie ended everyone else was asleep so I decided to take Alexa up to my room so she got a better sleep.

As I was carrying her up the stairs she started to wake and I felt her tense up and mumble something about being kidnapped. I chuckle at that "I'm not kidnapping you, it's me Brayden, just go back to sleep angle." She sighs and snuggles back into my chest.

Once I'm upstairs I walk into my room and tuck her into my bed. I sit on the chair near my bed and watch her sleep, I know sounds creepy but she so damn beautiful.

She has perfect tan skin, almond shape eyes and long wavy blond hair. When she spoke I could pick up the slight Spanish accent but I know she isn't Spanish because that would mean Cam is and he is not Spanish.

This girl is so confusing and mysterious. I mean first that Carl kid sounded like he wasn't sure of their last name and then the mishap today where I'm pretty sure he was going to say knives. But why would Alexa be throwing knives? And if the girl really did have almost 3 bottles of hard alcohol she should have had a much worse hangover that a slight head ache unless she had been drinking for years but that wouldn't make sense because she only like 17.

But I shouldn't be worried about a girl when I have more important stuff like figuring out who the fuck is stealing my gangs product and even shot 2 of my men. I have word it's was part of the Cuchillos Negros a Spanish mafia who have a base here in San Francisco. The part that I'm more pissed off about is that they have a new leader, apparently one very close to Dominic Rodriguez the head of the whole mafia. And it just so happens to be lil'demon the one who tied me in a fight the only one who has ever come close to beating me.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when Alexa starts shaking. I don't know what's going on. What do I do?

"stop. Just stop. You'll never get...out of me. you really.... Would betray... family..." she starts mumbling. What the hell was that about. She starts clenching her eyes and jaw and sweating.

Ok now I'm worried what's going on. The only thing I can think of was putting my hand on her head so that's what I do and sigh in relief when she stops shaking, but not long after her eyes spring open and she shoot up and out of the bed.

"what the fuck is going on!" she yells breathing heavy.

"I um" stop fucking stuttering you idiot. "you were shaking so I was trying to calm you down." Nailed it.

"that doesn't explain why the hell I'm in your room." I look around the room, how does she know its mine, oh yeah probably the photos.

"I brought you here when you fell asleep because the couch isn't very comfy?" it sounded more like a question than a statement. Man what the fuck is going on with me.

"yeah ok, I didn't say anything did I." she asked looking at me warily.

"umm something about stopping and betraying. That's all I got."

"shit" she whispered to herself but I still caught it. "I gotta go" and with that she shoots out the door and down the stairs.

I faintly hear her yell at Carl and then her bike start up. Okay that was wired. Who was she not betraying and what was she telling people to stop. This girl is so confusing but I just can't keep her out of my head.



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