-:- chapter 25 -:- I need you -:-

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Brayden's POV:

She didn't see him but I did.

Lex had just shot down her mother and I had just finished taking down the last guy, the problem was: that wasn't the last guy. I had forgotten about Alexa's father but by the time I figured out where he was it was to late.

His gun was raised and pointing at Lex "Lex watch out!" but her gaze was so fixated on the body in front of her that she didn't hear me in time. Everything in my body was telling me that I couldn't let her be shot. I Couldn't let that happen to her.

So I did what was most likely one of the stupidest things I've ever done. I ran. And I jumped in front of her, firing my gun at the same time he fired his. Fortunately my aim was better than his. He got me in the side but mine went straight into his head killing him instantly.

Although a shot to the side isn't a straight kill it can still be fatal because by the amount blood you lose, that may be why I'm now on the floor with Alexa kneeling beside me.

"stay with me Brayden, stay with me." I faintly heard Alexa say. And I tried I really did but I was numb and my vision was clouded by black dots. The last thing I felt was a drop of water on my cheek. Then everything went black.

I really hope I don't die, it cant end before it's even started.

Carlos's POV:

"Cam she's been in there for 3 days hasn't left his side, you need to go talk to her." This dude is getting on my nerves

"she wont even look at me and I don't even know why. What use would it be if I went in there." Cameron stubbornly replied.

"you're her brother."

"so are you" damn it.

I let out a big huff and slide down the wall so I'm sitting next to Cameron and Ace. "she blames herself you know?" I sighed putting my head in my hands.

"for what?" Ace asked.

"everything." I said shortly.

After Brayden was shot he lost so much blood that during surgery he flatlined 3 times. But after they got him stable he went into a coma been like that for 3 days and not once did Alexa leave his side, she wont talk to any of us or tell us what happened. It's the worst for Cameron though, Alexa wont even look at him and wont say why. I have my suspicions though, spend enough time with a person and you find yourself starting to think like them.

Alexa loves Brayden unlike she has ever loved anyone before, she just doesn't know it yet . I can see it even in her cold eyes as she tries to mask every emotion on her face, but there is little she can hide from me.

I just hope Brayden makes it through otherwise I'm not sure she's going to be ok.

Alexa's POV:

"it's my fault, it's my fault." I whispered over and over again to myself. If I hadn't have froze Brayden wouldn't be lying in this bed looking lifeless.

"it's not your fault you know" Dom's deep voice filled the room but I couldn't look away from Bray.

"yeah, it is. I froze Dom, for the first time I froze and this was the consequence."

"you care for him don't you" he sat down on the couch next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder "you know I love you angle and I taught you not to trust anyone who hasn't proven their loyalty, but this boy he loves you. I saw it the first time we met the whey he looked at you and how he takes the slightest step forward whenever someone approaches you, he, is worth trusting. Plus you know Carl cant keep a secret from me and you can't keep a secret from him. I know you love him too."

"curse you CJ, I don't know if I do Dom but the thought of him getting hurt because of something I did, or well failed to do, is eating me alive."

****2 months later****

Its been 2 months and Brayden still hasn't woken up but other things have gotten a lot better.

I explained to Cammy the reason I couldn't look him in the eye was because I felt guilty about killing our parents and that I thought once he knew what happened he would leave just like they did years ago. But my brother being the soft sap he is told me that whatever I did he would never leave again and I would forever be his sister.

Ace has forgiven me for getting his sister kidnapped and Carl and Emma have been dating since we got them back. But it took my dumbass brother a whole month to ask out Kyah but she said yes so now there out doing double date things and I am sitting in a hospital room waiting for Brayden to wake up.

I'm sitting right beside his bed holing his hand. "please Brayden wake up. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on. I can't eat I can't sleep, I need you" I rest my head on the bed face down "I need you and I can't stand the thought of losing you" tears start falling from my eyes but I don't have the energy to wipe them away.

"I need you too angel"

"great and now I'm hearing voices" a chuckle sounds and I snap my head up.

"your not hearing voices baby."

"your awake!" letting go of his hand I hug him as tight as I can as more and more tears stream down my face.

"its good to see you too Lex but I was still shot and that still kinda hurts." He whispered with a strained voice. Quickly pulling back I muttered a quick sorry.

I couldn't pull back all the way because suddenly there was a hand on the back of my neck pulling me closer until my lips were touching his and sparks lit wherever he toughed.

When we pull away for air I rest my forehead on his and let out a weak laugh. before becoming serious. 

"I'm sorry you got shot because of me." he laughed and shook his head. 

"pay back for when i beat you on fight night." I pull back sharply.

"oh no, no, no I had you if only that stupid buzzer hadn't have gone off."

"whatever helps you sleep at night"

"you. You help me sleep at night."

"Well I guess you're just gonna have to keep me"

"don't mind if I do"      


A/N - this is the last chapter of the book hope you enjoyed it and recommend it to your friends. sorry I know I'm not the best at endings but that's the best I got.  
I may write an epilogue in the future but for now I have tones of homework to do. 

also looking for new book ideas for the future so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to comment them and if I use it ill give you a shout out. 

please don't be a ghost vote comment share and follow please.  hope you all have an amazing day 

words - 1121

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