🍋How to Make Love🍋 »Hisoka«

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"Hisoka! Stop it—!" Y/n exclaimed, trying her hardest not to moan as Hisoka nibbled at her neck, instead deciding to mask it with laughter.

"Hm~ but I just can't help it my dear... you just look so delicious~♡" He cooed into her ear causing shivers to run up and down her spine.

Hisoka went to lean towards the crook of her neck once again but the girl beneath him pushed herself up and away into a sitting position.

"Hisoka... How do I put this..." She paused for a moment. "Oh screw it. Hisoka do you even know how to not be a kinky little shit?" She asked, her voice unwavering even under the intense stare she was receiving from her lover.

"Whatever do you mean~♤?" He inquired, generally curious. Was Y/n unhappy during the sexual moments they shared together? He was about to find out.

"What I'm asking is: do you actually know how to... Well, 'Make Love'?" She asked. Now, don't be quick to assume Y/n didn't enjoy their moments, in fact she craved them like a drug just like she was sure Hisoka did too, but there are times she gets curious as to what it would be like to take it slow and have that build up.

Her first time with Hisoka wasn't exactly under the best of circumstances but she fell hard for him. But when it comes to having sexual interaction with someone like Hisoka... it's hard to imagine it was taken slow and no kinky shit was happening.

"I suppose I've never felt the need to know...♤" He said, thinking back to all his past sexual experiences.

Y/n abruptly pushed him away from her body. Noticing his confused expression, she smiled coyly at him. "Give me two hours." She spoke, before swiftly ushering Hisoka out the house.

Exactly two hours later and Hisoka was at Y/n's door for the second time that night. Unsure of what to expect, he knocked on the door rather then his usual of just walking in. "Come in!" A feminine voice called.

Hisoka opened the door and was pleasantly surprised. The lights were red and scented candles were placed delicately on the tables going down the corridor. Scattered across the floor was an abundance of rose petals leading to the bedroom door.

Hisoka chuckled as he leisurely down the hall. When he opened the door to Y/n's room he found her sitting on her red velvet sheets with a smile on her face.

"Well..?" She asked with slight hesitation, suddenly doubting herself.

Rather than answering with words, Hisoka approached the h/c girl on the bed and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. He sat on his knees on the bed infront of her and wrapped his arms around her body.

In response, Y/n placed her arms on his shoulders, her fingers lingering on the bottom of his hair line.

Unlike It's usual updo, Hisoka has decided to leave his hair down. Y/n had mentioned how much hotter it made him a few times so he thought it was about time he listened to her.

Still in their kiss, Hisoka shrugged off his jacket while Y/n attempted to take off any clothing that wouldn't require them to part.

Eventually came to time to breathe. As soon as they pulled apart they pried off any other clothing covering their bodies. Once fully naked the two took a moment to appreciate each other. "I love you♡." Hisoka suddenly said.

Y/n's eyes snapped up to stare at his, looking for any sign of regret. After a moment she looked at him with a soft smile and a tear ran down her face before she leaped into his arms, burning her face into the crook of his neck.

She didn't care how she looked in this moment. She was deathly inlove with this man and no matter how many times he may have said it, this time his voice held such sincerity that her heart leaped and bubbled with emence joy.

Hisoka placed a soft kiss on her shoulder before carefully pushing her down onto the bed. He placed a single kiss on her lips before slowly trailing kisses down the center of her chest and abdomin. When he got to her core he stopped and loomed over her, staring into her eyes with what could only be deciphered as love.

Slowly he pushed himself into Y/n. A groan of momentary discomfort left both of their lips before gasp of pleasure from Y/n sounded throughout the room, causing Hisoka to smile down at her and push himself completely into her.

He slowly and sensually pulled out until the tip before pushing himself into her once again. Hisoka continued to place kisses wherever he deemed necessary. Whether it was the face, breasts, collar bone or arms, it didn't matter. Hisoka continued to push himself inside of her, dragging himself out until the tip and then inserting himself once again.

The build up caused by the steady friction of Hisoka's relaxed thrusts started to grow unbearable for the both of them. How long had they been at it? They didn't know. But it also didn't matter.

Soon the knot in Y/n's stomach broke leading her to her release. The tension in her muscles relaxing and a sighed–moan left her lips.

Hisoka grunted as he emptied his load into the beautiful body beneath him. They stayed in that position, unmoved and panting before Hisoka finally pulled out of Y/n's body completely. His body crashing down beside her.

"Bullshit." Y/n suddenly said. Hisoka turned onto his side to face her with a confused expression. "I thought you said you didn't know how to make love." She excused with a raised brow.

"Oh~◇?" He chuckled. "I lied~♡" There was no way Hisoka was going to tell Y/n he did research on how to make love during the two hours Y/n was preparing. No chance in hell.


A/n: Quite like Hisoka, I also found myself researching how to make love. Most of my knowledge comes from fanfiction so as you can guess, I'm much more prone to the kinky side of sex rather than the soft and sensual part.

Hope it was enjoyable nonetheless♡.


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